Scenario categories

The scenario describes the configuration of your Web Service. It contains information such as security, encoding, and proxy. VuGen provides a Security Scenario editor that allows you to configure the settings for each scenario.

To determine the scenario that best fits your service, refer to the sections below. If you are unsure which scenario to choose, we recommend to use the Custom Binding scenario. For more information, see Custom Binding scenario.

Use the default <no scenario> for:

  • simple Web Services where no advanced standards are required.

  • scripts that use the legacy security model

  • Web Services that require a specific security setting, not available in any of the existing scenarios.

If you select a built-in scenario and experience problems in replay, it is possible that no scenario was required and the problem is elsewhere. Reset the value to <no scenario>.

The built-in security scenarios are divided into the following categories:

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