Custom Binding scenario

The Custom Binding scenario enables the highest degree of customization. Since it is based upon WCF customBinding, it allows you to test most WCF services, along with services on other platforms such as Java that use
WS - <spec_name> specifications.

Use the Custom Binding scenario to configure a custom scenario that does not comply with any of the predefined security scenarios.

For the Custom Binding scenario, specify the following server information:

  • Transport. HTTP, HTTPS, TCP, or NamedPipe

  • Encoding. Text, MTOM, or WCF Binary

Specify the following security information:

  • Authentication mode. None, AnonymousForCertificate, AnonymousForSslNegotiated, CertificateOverTransport, Kerberos, KerberosOverTransport, MutualCertificate, MutualSslNegotiated, SecureConversation, SspiNegotiated, UserNameForCertificate, UserNameForSslNegotiated, UserNameOverTransport, or SspiNegotiatedOverTransport

  • Bootstrap policy. For SecureConversation type authentication, specify a bootstrap policy: AnonymousForCertificate, AnonymousForSslNegotiated, CertificateOverTransport, Kerberos, KerberosOverTransport, MutualCertificate, MutualSslNegotiated, SspiNegotiated, UserNameForCertificate, UserNameForSslNegotiated, UserNameOverTransport, or SspiNegotiatedOverTransport

  • Net security. the network security. Select None, Windows stream security, or SSL stream security. For services with HTTP transport, leave the default value, None. To enable SSL for HTTP, choose the HTTPS transport.

If your Web Service uses Reliable messaging, enable the option, and select Ordered or Not Ordered.

After setting the basic values, you can set advanced attributes as described in Advanced Settings dialog box.