Create and open Vuser scripts

This topic provides an overview for creating a new Vuser script.

Vuser scripts in VuGen

The first step in developing a new Vuser script is to create a blank script.

The contents and structure of the blank Vuser script vary slightly based on the protocol of the script. Therefore, before you create a blank Vuser script, you must know the protocol to use for the script. After you create a blank Vuser script, you are ready to perform the next step in the script creation workflow - recording user actions into the script. For details, see Record scripts.

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Create and open Vuser scripts

There are a number of ways to create and open scripts in VuGen.

To: Do this:

Create a new Vuser script

  1. Open VuGen and select File > New Script and Solution, or click the New Solution button.

  2. In the Create a New Script dialog box, select Single Protocol or Multiple Protocols from the Category list.

  3. Select a protocol from the Protocols list.

  4. In the Script Name box, enter a name for the script.

    Note: Do not name scripts init, run or end because these names are used internally by VuGen.

  5. Click Create to create the Vuser script.

For user interface details, see Create a New Script dialog box.

After you create a new Vuser script, you can record user activity into the script. For details, see Record a Vuser script.

Create or open a script from a template

For task details, see Create Vuser script templates.

Open an existing script stored on the local machine or network drive

Select File > Open > Script/Solution.

Open or work with a .zip script

You can unzip, or work with a script in .zip format. For task details, see Zip Vuser scripts.

Open a script stored in OpenText Application Quality Management

You can store scripts on OpenText Application Quality Management and modify them in VuGen.

Use OpenText Application Quality Management to store and retrieve scripts, scenarios, and analysis results. You can store scripts in a project and organize the scripts into unique groups.

For details, see Integration with OpenText Application Quality Management.

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Script directory files

While you create a Vuser script, VuGen creates a series of configuration files, data files, and source code files that comprise the Vuser script. These files contain Vuser runtime and setup information. VuGen saves these files together with the script in the script folder.

To access the files in the script folder:

  1. Right-click the script name in the Solution Explorer

  2. Select Open Script Folder.

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See also: