register a new username
accurev mkuser { -kf | -kd | -kk } <principal-name> [ <password> ]
[ -e <email_address> ] [ -s <ssh_public_key> ]
The mkuser command defines a new user by creating a new principal-name in AccuRev’s user registry. The user is licensed in one of these ways:
- can use AccuRev configuration management, AccuWork issue management, and GitCentric (“full” license)
- can use GitCentric and AccuWork issue management only
- can use AccuWork issue management only
AccuRev operations can be performed only by someone who has a principal-name in the registry, and has a license appropriate for the operation. Each transaction records the principal-name of the person who performed it.
A principal name must start with a letter (a-z, A-Z); it can contain only letters, underscores, spaces, hyphens, periods, plus signs, the commercial at sign (@), and numbers.
To list the existing principal-names, use the show users command. To rename a user (e.g. to fix a spelling error or change cindi to cyndee), or to change the kind of license for a user, invoke the chuser command.
If you rename an existing user with the chuser command, you can then create a new user with the original principal-name. The two users have different numeric user-IDs, and are unrelated.
Principal-names and Usernames
Your principal-name is independent of the username (login name) by which the operating system knows you. You might be working in a heterogeneous network, where there are multiple incompatible operating-system user registries. Similarly, your organization might be using AccuRev at multiple sites. In such situations, you can (and must!) use the same principal-name wherever you work, even though your operating-system username varies from machine to machine.
Security: Principal-names and Passwords
Principal-names are also needed for AccuRev security. A user with a password is considered to be an “authorized user” by the AccuRev ACL facility.
-e <email_address> |
Allows you to specify an email address for the user. The address length is limited to 256 characters. |
-kf |
(default) Create a user licensed for AccuRev, AccuWork, and GitCentric. |
-kd |
Create a user licensed for AccuWork only. The user can access AccuWork issues in a depot (unless restricted by an ACL permission), but cannot access the version-controlled files in any depot. |
-kk |
Create a user licensed for both GitCentric and AccuWork |
-s <ssh_public_key> |
Allows you to specify an SSH public key for the user. When specifying the -s option: Enter text characters only. If you are copying the SSH key from an file, for example, make sure not to introduce new-line characters or spaces. You can omit the A general discussion about the SSH protocol is beyond the scope of this document, so use a search engine with terms like 'SSH', and 'tutorial' for more information. |
Create a new user named john_smith, licensed to use both the configuration management and issue management facilities.
> accurev mkuser john_smith
Create a new AccuWork user named jane_doe, with password cv78w.
> accurev mkuser -kd jane_doe cv78w