ALM Project Database Reference
The items for display on a dashboard page.
 Column NameDescriptionDatatypeLengthAllow NullsDefaultFormula
Primary Key DPI_IDThe record ID.int4   
 DPI_LOGICAL_NAMEA name, unique in the scope of this table, that refers to this record.varchar64   
 DPI_PAGE_IDThe DASHBOARD_PAGES.DP_ID of the containing page.int4   
 DPI_ANALYSIS_ITEM_IDThe ANALYSIS_ITEMS.AI_ID of the report to be displayed in this location.int4   
 DPI_POSITION_ROWThe row number of the top of the item on the page. The top row is row 0.int4   
 DPI_POSITION_COLUMNThe column of the left edge of the item on the page. The left-most column is column 0.int4   
 DPI_WIDTHThe width of the item in number of cells.int4   
 DPI_HEIGHTThe height of the item in number of cells.int4   
 DPI_VER_STAMPThe version number of the item.int4   
See Also