Installation checklist

The installation checklist describes the steps for a basic single-server installation that consists of a server, database, agent, and component integrator.

For instructions on upgrading your current server installation, see Upgrade servers.

To complete a single-server installation, follow these steps:

  1. Review installation recommendations and system requirements.

    Before you begin, review the system requirements, supported environments, and recommendations on how to achieve optimal performance.

    For details, see Tips for optimal performance and Support Matrix.

  2. Create your database.

    Create an empty database for Deployment Automation. To install Deployment Automation for evaluation purposes, you can use the lightweight Derby database provided in the installation bundle.

    For details, see Prepare your database.

  3. Download installation files.

    From the Software Licensing and Downloads portal (requires login), download the server and agent installers for your platform, and any others you need, such as the agent relay installer, command-line client, or component integrator zip file. Extract the files before running the embedded executables.

  4. Install the server.

    Install the server using the Deployment Automation server installer for your platform.

    The installer automatically installs or points to the supporting application server and JRE. You need to supply the IP address, ports for HTTP communication, and other connection information.

    UNIX/Linux: You need root privileges to install the Deployment Automation server.

    For details, see Install server.

  5. (Optional) Install agent relays.

    Install the agent relay using the Deployment Automation agent relay installer for your platform.

    You need agent relays if you want the server and agents to communicate over firewalls or if you are configuring a disaster recovery implementation.

    For details, see Install agent relay.

  6. Install agents.

    Install agents on target machines designated to communicate with the Deployment Automation server. When installing an agent, you supply a set of values defined during server installation.

    If you are using an agent relay, you need to install the agent relay first so that you can specify its host information for the agents to connect.

    Solaris: JRE version 8 or later is required.

    For details, see Install agents.

  7. (Optional) Install component integrators.

    To save server space and reduce server load, install component integrators and use them for importing component versions and downloading artifacts. Component integrators require JRE/JDK 11.

    To install component integrators, run a command-line installer or use the .properties file for silent installation.

    For details, see Install component integrators.

  8. Validate the installation.

    Start the server, agents, and component integrators. For details, see Run Deployment Automation.

    Then verify that each agent is ready for use:

    1. In Deployment Automation, go to Management > Resources > Agents.

    2. On the Agents page, verify the agent's status and license:

      Status The agent's Online status means that the agent is successfully connected.

      The license ID indicates that the agent is licensed.

      By default, Deployment Automation provides 5 agent licenses. For details on how to assign licenses to agents, see Manage licenses.

    To work with component integrators, go to Management > Component Integrators. For details, see Manage component integrators.

  9. Configure your Deployment Automation system.

    Set up Server Communication, Single Sign-On (SSO), Secure Socket Layer (SSL), File Versioning, Users, Groups, and Roles, as needed for your organization. You may need to load additional automation plugins to use in your component processes.

    For details, see corresponding sections in Configuration.

    Note: By default, Deployment Automation allows the use of TLSv1.2, TLSv1.1, and TLSv1 protocols. To improve security, change the configuration to TLSv1.3 and TLSv1.2. Edit the files for your server (DA profile), agents, agent relays, and component integrators, and replace the default protocol list with the following line: TLSv1.3, TLSv1.2. All your system components must use the same protocols.

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