Connect devices Lab console Install MC

Admin Tasks

Users with a shared space admin role have access to Administration menu in the Lab console

In this topic:

Administration tabs

To view the tabs, click Administration in the right of the masthead. The Administration tabs are only visible to users with a shared space admin role.

The menu gives the shared space admin access to the following pages:

Page Lets the administrator...
Management Assign or move devices, apps, or users to a workspace. Add users, reset passwords, change roles, or delete users.
Settings Configure UFT Mobile by enabling features and setting their properties.
Licenses View and manage the UFT Mobile licenses.
Access Keys View and manage the UFT Mobile access keys.

Note: Starting with UFT Mobile version 2.70, Device Groups have been replaced with workspaces. Manage the access of users to available devices by creating workspaces, and by moving devices and users to these workspaces. In addition, if your license includes full multi-workspace functionality, you can also upload apps to your workspaces, thereby creating complete separation of your lab assets. For more details, see Lab and workspace management.

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Additional administrator tasks

In addition to the tasks described in the section above, the shared space admin may be required to perform other administrator tasks including:

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See also: