Create and modify nodes

In the Administration Console, you can add a physical or logical network node to the network.

For details about physical and logical nodes, see Network administration.

Guidelines for creating nodes

A physical node is an actual physical machine name, and a logical node is a user-defined alias for that physical machine.

Guidelines for creating nodes:

  • You can assign multiple logical nodes to a single physical machine.

  • Before creating a logical node, first create a physical node to which to associate the logical node. The logical node inherits the values of the physical node, except its description.

  • Logical node names cannot be used for item library definitions.

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Create a physical node

You can add a physical network node, which is the name of an actual physical machine.

To create a physical node:

  1. In the Administration Console, go to Distributed Development > Network administration > Network nodes.

  2. On the toolbar, click New, and select Physical Network Node.

  3. In the New Physical Node dialog box, enter the following information:

    Field Description
    Physical node name

    Enter the name of the physical node, up to 127 characters long.

    The node name is always displayed in uppercase.

    Note: You cannot edit this value after creating the physical node.

    Operating system

    Select the physical node’s operating system: NT for Windows or UNIX for UNIX systems and z/OS systems.

    See the Advanced tab for predefined case conventions and library protections for each operating system.


    (Optional) Specify the user responsible for the physical node.

    See the Advanced tab to add, edit, or delete the available contacts.


    Add a description of the physical node, up to 240 characters long.

  4. Click OK to add the node.

  5. (Optional) assign a contact to the node if one is not present. See Manage contacts.

  6. (Optional) assign a network object to the node. See Manage network objects.

  7. (Optional) assign a base database to the node. See Manage base databases.

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Create a logical node

You can add a logical network node, which is an alias for a specific physical machine.

To add a logical node:

  1. In the Administration Console, go to Distributed Development > Network administration > Network nodes.

  2. On the toolbar, click New, and select Logical Network Node.

  3. In the New Logical Node dialog box, enter the following information:

    Field Description
    Logical node name

    Enter the name of the logical node, up to 127 characters long.

    Note: You cannot edit this value after creating the logical node.

    Physical node

    Specify the physical node to which to associate the logical node.

    A physical node can have more than one logical name.

    Description (Optional) Enter a description of the logical node, up to 240 characters long.
  4. Click OK to add the node.

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Edit or delete nodes

You can edit or delete a physical or logical node defined in Network Administration.

To edit or delete a node:

  1. In the Administration Console, go to Distributed Development > Network administration > Network nodes.

  2. In the navigation pane, select the node you want to edit or delete.

  3. To modify the node details, in the General section of the content pane, click the Edit node button, and change the details, as described earlier in this topic. You cannot change the name of the node.

  4. To delete the node, click the Delete button, and confirm the deletion.

  5. (Optional) To edit the details of a contact that is currently assigned to the node, see Manage contacts.

    To edit or unassign a network object that is currently assigned to the node, see Manage network objects.

    To edit or unassign a base database that is currently assigned to the node, see Manage base databases.

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See also: