Define and assign profiles

In the Administration Console, you can create user interface profiles and assign them to users and groups. This way, you control what functionality is available to users in the Dimensions CM clients.

Guidelines for UI profiles

In the User Interface Profiles section of the Administration Console, you can select which features in the clients are visible to a user or group. By displaying only the relevant views and operations, profiles simplify the UI and enable users to focus on their tasks.

To open User Interface Profiles, go to Administration Console > Users, Groups, Roles and Privileges > User interface profiles.


  • Profiles are not meant to enforce security. To grant or deny access to features, use privileges.

  • When you first install Dimensions CM, a default UI profile is created. When you create new users, the default UI profile is automatically assigned to them. You can change this UI profile and create other UI profiles, and assign them to users or groups.

  • To work with user interface profiles, you need the Manage User Interface Profiles privilege.

  • Upgrade from Dimensions CM 2009 R2 or earlier: The installer does not automatically add new functionality to existing user profiles. You may need to add these functions manually to each existing user profile you have defined.

Tip: Another way of determining which objects a user can see in the clients is to set an entry in the server's dm.cfg file. If this option is set, the clients list only those objects that are owned by products on which the current user holds a role. For details about this option, see Administration.

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Add a profile

Create a profile to include only specified features to be visible in the clients. You can also create a profile using the details of an existing profile.

Note: When new functions are added in Dimensions CM, they are tuned off by default. You may need to update your profiles if you want users to see the new features.

To add a profile:

  1. In the Administration Console, go to Users, Groups, Roles and Privileges > User interface profiles > Profile definitions.

  2. To create a new profile, click New on the toolbar. The New UI Profile Definition dialog box opens.

    To base the profile on an existing profile, click Copy on the toolbar. The Copy UI Profile Definition dialog box opens.

  3. On the General tab, enter a name for the profile, up to 25 characters long. Optionally, add a description, up to 240 characters long.

  4. Select the Views tab and specify the views and subviews to be displayed using this profile. For a new profile, all views and subviews are selected by default.

  5. Select the Operations tab and specify the operations to be available using this profile. For a new profile, all operations are selected by default.

  6. To create another profile after adding this profile, select the Keep open option.

  7. Click OK.

You can now assign the new profile to the appropriate users or groups.

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Modify profiles

You can update or delete existing user interface profiles.

To modify a profile:

  1. In the Administration Console, go to Users, Groups, Roles and Privileges > User interface profiles > Profile definitions.

  2. In the navigation pane, select the profile you want to change.

  3. In the General section of the content pane, click the Edit profile button.

  4. In the Edit UI Profile Definition dialog box, update the profile's description, views, and operations.

  5. Click OK. The changes are in place the next time the users log in and select the profile.

  6. To delete a profile, select the profile in the navigation pane. On the toolbar, click Delete, and confirm.

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Assign profiles

After you have created profiles, assign one or more profiles to a user or group. The assignment determines which profiles users can select when using the clients.

To assign a profile by user or group:

  1. In the Administration Console, go to Users, Groups, Roles and Privileges > User interface profiles > Profile assignments.

  2. On the toolbar, click Users to display a list of users.

  3. In the navigation pane, select a category from the list, for example, All Active Users or All Groups.

  4. To assign a profile to all users or groups, select the top-level Users or Groups icon.

    To assign a profile to a user or group, select the user/group from the list.

  5. In the Profile Assignments section of the content pane, click the Add button.

  6. In the New UI Profile Assignment dialog box, select the UI profile definition to assign.

  7. Click OK.

To add an assignment by profile:

  1. In the Administration Console, go to Users, Groups, Roles and Privileges > User interface profiles > Profile assignments.

  2. To assign all profiles to a user or group, select the top-level Profile Names node in the navigation pane.

    To assign a single profile to a user or group, select the profile.

  3. In the Profile Assignments section of the content pane, click the Add button.

  4. In the New UI Profile Assignment dialog box, select the user or group to which to assign the profile.

  5. Click OK.

Alternatively, you can click Assign on the toolbar, and proceed to select a user/group and a profile.

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Remove profile assignments

When you no longer want a profile to be available to a user or group, remove the profile assignment in the Administration Console.

To remove profile assignments:

  1. In the Administration Console, go to Users, Groups, Roles and Privileges > User interface profiles > Profile assignments.

  2. On the toolbar, click Users or Profiles to switch to the relevant view.

  3. In the navigation pane, select a user, group, or profile.

  4. In the content pane, select one or more profile assignments to remove, and click the Delete button.

  5. In the Delete dialog box, click Yes to confirm the removal.

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See also: