Users, Groups, Roles and Privileges area

This topic describes the Users, Groups, Roles and Privileges area in the Administration Console.

For a description of the Administration Console main window, see Administration Console user interface.

The Users, Groups, Roles and Privileges area contains the following sections:

Section Description
Users and Groups

In the Users and Groups section, create and manage Dimensions CM user accounts and user groups for the current base database.

To open Users and Groups, go to Administration Console > Users, Groups, Roles and Privileges > User & Group registration.

For details, see Users and Groups window.

Role Definitions

In the Role Definitions section, define and modify user roles in the base database.

To open Role Definitions, go to Administration Console > Users, Groups, Roles and Privileges > Role definitions.

For details, see Role Definitions window.

Role Assignments

In the Role Assignments section, create and modify role assignments.

To open Role Definitions, go to Administration Console > Users, Groups, Roles and Privileges > Role assignments.

For details, see Role Assignments window.


In the Privileges section, enable or disable the privilege rules for each object class, and assign those rules to users, groups, or roles.

To open Privileges, go to Administration Console > Users, Groups, Roles and Privileges > Privileges.

For details, see Privileges window.

Mail events

In the Mail Events section, subscribe users and groups to notifications.

To open Mail Events, go to Administration Console > Users, Groups, Roles and Privileges > Mail events.

For details, see Mail Events window.

User interface profiles

In the User Interface Profiles section, define user interface profiles and assign them to users and groups.

To open User Interface Profiles, go to Administration Console > Users, Groups, Roles and Privileges > User interface profiles.

For details, see User Interface Profiles section.

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See also: