Use item and request templates

Request and item templates are used for viewing the contents of a request or for item header substitution. This section explains how to work with templates for items and requests in the Administration Console.

Note: This functionality is available for items and Dimensions CM requests only.

Guidelines for adding templates

You can associate pre-prepared item header substitution files or request browse template files with a template.

When you add or import a template, Dimensions CM places the template files under revision control and stores them in the database, similar to items.

Note: Templates for baselines and releases are different in nature. For details, see Baseline and release templates.


  • To work with templates, you need the Manage Object Types privilege.

  • The functions for item header substitution files and request browse template files are similar, as creating and managing templates is handled in a similar fashion.

  • Templates are user-defined text files that must be previously created outside Dimensions CM. They specify the content and layout for an item or request type.

    For details on how to create a template file and what variables you can use in a template, see Item format templates and Request format templates.

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Templates section

When you define a template, you associate it with the appropriate item or request type in Administration Console > Object Type Definitions > Templates section.

For details about the Templates section, see Object Types content area.

Use the options in the Templates section, to perform the following tasks:

  • Add a new template or a new revision of an existing template.

  • Set a template as the default for an item or request type.

  • Import a template file from your work area into Dimensions CM to be stored against a template revision.

  • Export the template file associated with a template revision in Dimensions CM to a file in your work area.

  • Delete a template or revision of a template.

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See also: