Work with GSL stages

In the Administration Console, you can modify and delete GSL stages, associate images with them, and map stages to Deployment Automation.

To modify and map stages, you need the Manage Lifecycles (ADMIN_LIFECYCLEMAN) privilege.

Note: To create a new lifecycle stage, add a lifecycle transition. To be added to a lifecycle, a stage must have a possible transition.

Rename or remove a stage

In the Areas & Deployment section of the Administration Console, you can rename and delete stages in the Global Stage Lifecycle.

To rename a lifecycle stage:

  1. In the Administration Console, navigate to Distributed Development > Areas & Deployment > Global Stage Lifecycle.

  2. In the Global Stage Lifecycle window, select the stage you want to rename or remove.

  3. To rename the stage, click Rename on the toolbar. In the Rename Lifecycle State dialog box, enter the new name and click OK.

    Note: Renaming the stage does not update the description.

  4. To delete the stage, click Delete on the toolbar, and then confirm.

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Update a stage description

Edit the properties of a stage to update the stage's description.

To change the description of a stage:

  1. In the Administration Console, navigate to Distributed Development > Areas & Deployment > Global Stage Lifecycle.

  2. In the Global Stage Lifecycle window, select the stage to update.

  3. On the toolbar, click Properties.

  4. Change the description and click OK.

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Map GSL stages to Deployment Automation

If you are using Deployment Automation (DA) you can map GSL stages to DA pipelines and environments.

For details about integrating with Deployment Automation, see Use Deployment Automation.

To map a GSL stage to one or more DA environment:

  1. In the Administration Console, navigate to Distributed Development > Areas & Deployment > Global Stage Lifecycle.

  2. In the Global Stage Lifecycle window, select the stage you want to map.

  3. On the toolbar, click Properties.

  4. In Deployment automation to, select one of the options:

    Option Description
    No Automation Do not map this stage to Deployment Automation.

    Select a Deployment Automation pipeline.

    A pipeline is a sequence of environments where an application process request is propagated.


    Select a Deployment Automation environment.

    An environment represents logical deployment locations. Your deployment processes must run against at least one environment. Environments and their resources are used by applications and components at runtime.

  5. Click OK.

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Add and maintain GSL images

You can add and associate images with the GSL. Export a GSL image to save its copy to your work area.

To add and manage GSL images:

  1. In the Administration Console, navigate to Distributed Development > Areas & Deployment > Global Stage Lifecycle.

  2. In the Global Stage Lifecycle window, select the relevant stage.

  3. To add an image, click Import on the toolbar. In the Import Lifecycle Image dialog box, navigate to an image file, and click OK.

  4. To view a lifecycle image, click Export on the toolbar. The image is displayed in a new browser window.

    To save the image to your work area, right-click the image and use the Save As option of your browser.

  5. To delete a lifecycle image, click Delete Image on the toolbar, and then confirm.

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See also: