Dimensions CM supports publicly available application programming interfaces (APIs) that enable you to create your own applications and use or extend Dimensions CM functionality.

For details, see the API reference.

The following table describes the Dimensions CM developer tools.

Tool Description
C/C++ A set of documented C functions and structures are provided with examples and makefiles to allow you to write C/C++ applications that can query CM metadata and perform Dimensions CM operations. This is a cross-platform client API that uses TCP/IP to communicate with the Dimensions CM server.
Java API The Java API (dmclient) is a fully featured object-orientated API for accessing Dimensions CM functionality and includes complete documentation and examples. This cross-platform API uses TCP/IP to communicate with the Dimensions CM server.
RESTful web services

The Dimensions CM REST services API provides methods for listing and getting details of objects in Dimensions CM, for example, listing requests in a user’s inbox.

Event callout interface The Dimensions CM Event Callout Interface gives access to a public function call that is invoked when certain commands are run. This function is called userSuppliedFunction() and is resolved in a shared library.
SOAP web services Dimensions CM provides a set of SOAP Web Services to perform operations on items, requests, and baselines. The Document Literal Wrapped style of WSDL declaration is used and the WSDL is WS-I Basic 1.0 compliant.
ALF events Dimensions CM can generate Application Lifecycle Framework (ALF) events for a restricted set of operations. Each operation fires a single ALF event, and based on ALF guidelines these events are generated post operation. The data provided by each event is a reflection of the command that issued the ALF event.
Templating language

CM templates are used to run builds, run general commands through remote job execution, control deployments, and construct the body of e-mail messages in notifications. Dimensions CM supports a common templating language and processor across Windows, UNIX, Linux, and z/OS (USS and MVS).

The templating language enables you to customize the processing of templates on all Dimensions CM nodes.

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