Relate objects to a request
You can relate and unrelate different objects to or from a request in the Eclipse interface.
External requests: You can relate external requests to items, baselines, and projects/streams.
To manage the objects related to a request:
In Dimensions CM Explorer, double-click Requests to display all pending requests for the default stream/project in your current Dimensions CM product.
In the Requests view, select a request. For details about finding and selecting requests, see Manage requests in Eclipse IDE.
Double-click the request to view its relationships. The request editor opens.
Dimensions CM requests: In the request editor, open the Relationships view.
To remove a related object, in the Related Objects pane, select the object, and click Delete
To relate an object, in the Related Objects pane, select the object type, and click Add
In the Relate dialog box, specify the following details:
Field Description Relationship type Select the type of relationship between the request and objects.
For details about relationships, see Link version and change management.
Relate to Browse to select one or more objects to relate. In the Selection wizard, specify the criteria to search for objects, and then select one or more objects from the results. Relate as Check the relationship between the request and the objects, for example, Child. -
Click OK.