Open reviews and pull requests

You can display reviews and pull requests for the current Dimensions CM stream, and open them in PulseUno.

When reviews and pull requests are created, they are automatically displayed in the Dimensions Explorer view.

Note: You can use PulseUno functionality only if it is enabled in your Dimensions CM database.

To open a review or pull request:

  1. In Visual Studio Code, select View > Open View... > Dimensions Explorer. The Dimensions Explorer opens in the sidebar.
  2. To display the reviews and pull requests for the current branch, expand Reviews and Pull Requests.

    Tip: If you switch branches, click Refresh to display the reviews and pull requests for the new branch.

  3. To open a review or pull request, select the review, and click Open Pull Request in the Reviews and Pull Requests title bar. The review opens in PulseUno.
  4. To open PulseUno, click Open Pulse in the Reviews and Pull Requests title bar.

    You can create pull requests in PulseUno.

For details about PulseUno, see PulseUno.

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See also: