Dimensions RM integration prerequisites

This topic describes the prerequisites and guidelines for enabling the integration with Dimensions RM.

Prerequisites and guidelines

Before you set up the Dimensions CM–RM associations, ensure that the following prerequisites are fulfilled:

  • Both Dimensions CM and Dimensions RM are installed and both are compatible.

  • A Dimensions CM desktop client is installed on the Dimensions RM web server machine.

  • For certain installations, we recommend that Dimensions RM databases have exclusive use of their own Oracle instance. For details about these installations, see the Dimensions RM Installation Guide.

    In those circumstances, if you are using Dimensions CM against an Oracle RDBMS, make sure that it doesn't share the same Oracle instance with Dimensions RM.

  • Modify the Dimensions RM rmcm.xml configuration file to include the URL of the Dimensions CM server. For details, see Edit Dimensions RM configuration.

  • A Dimensions RM administrator must set the following Dimensions RM to Dimensions CM associations:

Conversely, you need to enable Dimensions RM users to look at Dimensions CM requests. After the prerequisites have been completed, as a Dimensions CM user, associate Dimensions RM requirements to Dimensions CM requests.

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Edit Dimensions RM configuration

Modify the rmcm.xml configuration file on the Dimensions RM web server to point to the Dimensions CM server.

To edit the rmcm.xml configuration file:

  1.  On the Dimensions RM web server machine, navigate to: 


  2. Open the following configuration file in a text editor: rmcm.xml

    This file has the following section:

    Copy code
           <!--  CMServer url="http://localhost:8080"   -->
           <CMServer url="" />
  3. Update the Dimensions CM URL with the correct URL for the Dimensions CM server.

    If Dimensions CM is installed on the same machine as the Dimensions RM web server and with the default port 8080, the commented out URL on the preceding line is the appropriate URL.

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See also: