Create and manage request lists

Create request lists in the desktop client to group requests based on specified criteria. Add or remove requests from your lists, as needed.

Create a request list

To create a request list, you need no special privileges. You can include both external and native requests in a list.

To create a request list:

  1. In the desktop client, display a list of requests by opening the appropriate view. For example, to open all pending requests for your current user, select File > Open > All Requests Inbox.

  2. In the content window, select requests to include in the list. You can use search to find requests by ID.

    SHIFT+click to select a range of requests. CTRL+click to select multiple non-consecutive requests.

  3. From the menu bar, select Request > Edit Request List. The Edit Request List dialog box opens.

  4. For Existing/New Request List, enter a name for your request list.

  5. Click OK.

To view your request lists, select View > Reports and Lists in the menu bar, and expand the Favorite Requests node.

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Edit a request list

You can add, replace, or remove requests in a request list.

To add requests to a list:

  1. In the desktop client, display a list of requests by opening the appropriate view. For example, to open all pending requests for your current user, select File > Open > All Requests Inbox.

  2. In the content window, select one or more requests you want to add to the list. You can use search to find requests by ID.

  3. From the menu bar, select Request > Edit Request List. The Edit Request List dialog box opens.

  4. From the Existing/New Request List, select a request list.

  5. To add the selected requests, select Append to List.

    To replace the entire list with the selected requests, select Overwrite.

  6. Click OK.

To remove requests from a list:

  1. In the desktop client, select View > Reports and Lists.

  2. In the Reports navigation window, expand the Favorite Requests node to view your request lists.

  3. Select the request list from which to remove requests.

  4. In the content window, select one or more requests to be removed from the list.

    SHIFT+click to select a range of requests. CTRL+click to select multiple non-consecutive requests.

  5. From the menu bar, select Request > Edit Request List. The Edit Request List dialog box opens.

  6. Verify that the Remove from list option is selected.

  7. Click OK.

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Open a Dimensions CM request list

This section explains how to open request lists of Dimensions CM requests.

To view requests from other request providers, see Manage requests in desktop client.

To open a Dimensions CM request list:

  1. Select File > Open > All Requests.

    If you have other request providers, select File > Open > Requests > Dimensions CM.

    The Open Requests dialog box opens.

  2. In the Request Lists tab, select which list to open.

    Field Description


    Select the product whose requests you want to view.

    To view all products, select the empty entry at the top of the list.


    Select the request types that you want to view.

    To view all types, select the empty entry at the top of the list.

    If you choose to view all products (the Product field is blank), you cannot select a request type.


    Select from the following options:

    • Catalog Lists includes active registered requests to which you have access and which match the Product and Type criteria.

    • Secondary Lists includes requests placed in the Secondary Catalog.

    • Draft Lists includes all requests that you originated and kept as draft.

    Request List

    If you have any request lists, select a request list.

    For details on how to create request lists, see Create and manage request lists.

  3. To filter the list, select the Request Filter tab and specify the following options:

    Field Description
    Request ID

    Enter a filter string consisting of a request ID. Use a percent sign (%) as a wildcard character.

    For multiple requests, enter request IDs separated by commas.

    Filter binoculars_with_arrow.gif Click the filter button to search for requests that match your filter string. The results are displayed as a list.
    Reset Selection Clear all selected items in the list if needed.
    Open Filter Select to open all the requests in the list.
    Open Selected Select to open only those requests that you selected in the list.
  4. Click OK.

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Delete a request list

You can delete a request list only if you created it.

To delete a request list:

  1. In the desktop client, select View > Reports and Lists.

  2. In the Reports navigation window, expand the Favorite Requests node to view your request lists.

  3. Right-click a request list and select Delete.

    Note: You cannot delete an open request list.

  4. Click Yes to confirm.

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See also: