Request lists

In Dimensions CM, you can open the following request lists.

List Description
Draft list Includes private requests not yet created (similar to draft emails).

Includes requests assigned to you. Requests are displayed in your inbox based on your role and the lifecycle for this request type, as defined in the Administration Console. Your inbox is displayed in two contexts:

  • My Current Project/Stream. Includes requests related to the current project or stream.
  • User Inbox. Includes requests related to any project or stream.


Includes all requests in the Dimensions CM primary catalog. Product catalog is displayed in two contexts:

  • My Current Project/Stream. Includes requests related to the current project or stream.
  • Product Catalog. Includes requests related to any project or stream.

Secondary Catalog list

Includes all requests that have reached the end of their normal lifecycle, or are in an off-normal end state. You can transfer requests to the secondary catalog from the Primary Catalog list, which enables you to tidy up your primary view by moving requests that no longer active.

Dimensions CM preserves relationships to other requests, design parts and items when requests are transferred to the secondary catalog.

You cannot update requests in the Secondary Catalog list but you can query them.

You can transfer requests between the two catalogs only if you have the required privilege. Additional rules govern when a request can or cannot be transferred.

Request lists

You create request lists for your own purposes from the Inbox, the Catalog list, or other pre-existing request lists. You can append or remove individual requests to/from a request list.

You can delete existing request lists and create new ones.

For details about working with request lists, see the following topics:

Web client: Create and manage request lists
Desktop client: Create and manage request lists

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See also: