Manage requests in desktop client

You can work with requests from multiple request providers in the Dimensions CM desktop client.

View pending or favorite requests

You can view all pending requests from multiple request providers in your inbox. To view your favorite requests and request lists, open the Reports and Lists view.

To view pending requests for your current user:

  1. From the main menu, select View > User Inbox.

  2. In the User Inbox navigation window, select Requests.

    Requests are listed in the content window under their relevant provider.

    Jira: To view Jira issues, you may need to log in to your Jira instance. Click the Log in to Jira link under the Jira provider header, and specify your Jira credentials. For details, see Authenticate to Jira.

To view favorite requests and request lists:

  1. To view favorite requests, select File > Open > Favorite Requests.

    Requests are listed in the content window under their relevant provider.

    To add requests to favorites, see Manage requests in the content window.

  2. To view request lists, select View > Reports and Lists. In the Reports navigation window, expand the Favorite Requests node and select a request list.

    To create request lists, see Create and manage request lists.

Tip: To rearrange providers in the content window, click the Up and Down arrows in the provider header. To hide a provider, click Hide provider in the provider header. To unhide providers, click Show All Providers above the request list, and then click Unhide in the provider header.

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Select requests for a given provider

You can select and view requests for any request provider mapped to your Dimensions CM project/stream.

To view requests for a selected provider:

  1. From the main menu, select File > Open > Requests and select a request provider from the list.

    Or select View > Product Catalog. In the Product Catalog navigation window, expand the Requests node, and select a request provider.

  2. In the Open Request(s) dialog box, use these toolbar options to help you work with requests.

    Jira: To view Jira issues, you may need to log in to your Jira instance. Click the Log in to Jira link and specify your Jira credentials. For details, see Authenticate to Jira.

    Action Description
    Search requests by title or ID. In the search field, enter a request ID or a text string to match a request's title.
    View all requests for your current user. Click Inbox .
    Requests are displayed under their relevant provider.
    View your favorite requests. Click Favorites .
    Filter requests by provider.

    Click Select request provider and select a provider from the list.

    SBM requests: To view requests from a specific SBM report, first specify which reports will be available. See Select SBM reports.

    Filter requests by type.

    By default, all request types for a given provider are displayed.

    To display a particular request type:

    1. Select Filter > Select none to clear the default selection.

    2. Click Filter , choose a provider instance, and select a request type, for example, User Stories.

    3. To select more request types, repeat the earlier step.

    External request types are defined in your provider instance.

    Create a request. Dimensions CM and SBM requests: Click New Request .
    Open external requests in their provider instance.

    Select one or more requests and click Open selected request(s) in browser .

    SHIFT+click to select a range of requests. CTRL+click to select multiple non-consecutive requests.

    Each provider instance opens in a new window.

    Open a request provider instance. Click Open providers home page and select a provider from the list.
    Open the review associated with a request in PulseUno.

    Select a request and click Open in PulseUno .

    If a review is not available, the Open in PulseUno icon is not displayed.

    Search for requests based on advanced search criteria.

    Click Advanced search and select a request provider.

    For Dimensions CM requests, see Find requests.

    For external requests, see Find external requests.

  3. (Optional) To rearrange or hide request providers, use these options:

    Action Description
    Change the order of request providers. Click Move provider up or Move provider down in the provider header.
    Hide a provider and its requests. Click Hide provider in the provider header.
    Show hidden providers. Click Filter and select Show all providers.

    Hidden providers have dimmed headers.

    To unhide a request provider, click Unhide in the provider header.

  4. Select one or more requests and click Open.

    SHIFT+click to select a range of requests. CTRL+click to select multiple non-consecutive requests.

    Requests are listed in the content window. The content pane on the right displays information about related objects.

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Manage requests in the content window

To work with requests in the desktop client's content window, right-click one or more requests, and select an option from the menu.

SHIFT+click to select a range of requests. CTRL+click to select multiple non-consecutive requests.

Right-click a request to perform the following operations:

Action Description
Open external requests in their provider instance. Select Open.
Open requests in the desktop client's content window. Select Open in New Window.
Set a request as the default for your current project/stream. Select Set Working Request.
Update your work area from requests. Select Update.
Merge changes from requests. Select Merge.
Relate requests to Dimensions CM objects.

Select Relate/Unrelate.

Note: External requests cannot be related to requests, design parts, and requirements.

Add requests to favorites.

Select Add to Favorites.

To remove requests from favorites, select Remove from Favorites.

Tip: To customize the columns in the desktop client's views, select Tools > Customize Views.

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See also: