Find requests

Use advanced search to find Dimensions CM requests based on detailed request options.

To search for external requests, see Find external requests.

To search for Dimensions CM requests:

  1. In the desktop client, select Edit > Find > Requests.

    If you are using different request providers, select Dimensions CM from the list.

  2. On the General tab, enter any search criteria for the general details.

  3. Select the Descriptions tab and enter any search criteria to match against the detailed description:

    • Select Case sensitive search if you want the case to be taken into account when matching the search expressions

    • Select Match any if you want a match to be found if the detailed description matches any of the search strings you are entering below.

    • Select Match all if you only want a match to be found if the detailed description matches all of the search strings you are entering below.

    • Enter one or more search expressions:

      % (percent sign) Matches any string of zero or more characters.
      _ (underscore) Matches any single character.
      " (double quotes) Can be used to match phrases, or groups of words separated by spaces or line breaks.
      / (forward slash) Can be used to escape the percent sign (%), underscore (_) or double quote (") characters.

    For examples, see Description matching examples.

    Repeat these instructions for searching on All action descriptions.

  4. Select the Options tab and limit the search by specifying various options.

  5. Select the Relationships tab and limit the search by specifying request relationships.

  6. Select the Dates tab and limit the search by specifying creation, modification, or action dates.

  7. Select the Attributes tab/page and limit the search by specifying attribute values.

  8. To display the list of objects that meet your search criteria, select the Find Now tab.

  9. To save the search criteria as a filter, see Create and use object filters.

  10. In the Find Now tab, select one or more objects.

  11. To display the selected requests in a content window, click Open.

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See also: