Change menus and toolbar
Change the menus and/or toolbar to modify what appears on the pulldown menus, the right mouse button popup menus, or the toolbar. You can customize what appears, the order of the items, and where they appear.
To change the menus or toolbar:
In the desktop client, select Tools > Customize Menus and Toolbar.
In the Menus/Toolbar tab, select the UI profile for which you want to view the available menus from the View as if this UI profile were active list. If there is only one UI profile, this option is not available (dimmed). The options depend on what your administrator has set up for your user or group. The left side of the Menus/Toolbar tab contains the entries for this menu set in a tree structure.
From the Show list, select one of the following:
To customize the pulldown menus, select Pulldown Menus. This has a subitem for each menu that can appear on the menu bar.
To customize the right mouse button menus, select Popup (context) menus. This has a subitem for each right mouse button menu that corresponds to a class of Dimensions CM object you can select in a content window.
To customize the toolbar, select Toolbar. This has a subitem for each toolbar.
Expand the entry for the menu or toolbar that you want to customize. If you want to customize a submenu, expand the corresponding subitem in the tree.
Customize the menu/submenu, as described in Add command, separator, or submenu.
See also: