Customize dialog box

Use this dialog box to customize the contents of menus, and to add custom tools.

Use the Menus/Toolbar tab to customize the contents of menu sets, and to add or remove your own menu sets.

See the Tools tab for how to make custom tools available from within Dimensions CM.

Menus/Toolbar tab

Field Description Rules and guidelines

View as if this UI profile were active

Select the user profile to determine which functions are listed in this dialog box.

The options available depend on what your administrator has set up for your user or group. There may be no selection available.


Select which category of menu options you want to customize.


  • Pulldown menus

  • Popup (context) menus.

  • Toolbar.

List of options

Expand the menu tree until you see the menu you want to edit, and do one of the following:

  • Click the Add Separator button to add a new menu separator.

  • Click the Add Submenu button to add a new submenu.

  • Click the Edit Menu Item button to edit the name of the menu item.

  • Click the Remove Item button to remove the selected item.

The list depends on what you selected in the Show field and the View as if this UI profile were active field.

Up button Click to move the selected item higher up the menu.


Down button Click to move the selected item lower down the menu.



Select the category whose commands you want to appear in the Commands list.



Select the location in the menu tree where you want to add a command. From the Categories list, select a command category. From this list, select a command, and click the Add button.


Add separator

Click this button to add a separator between the options.


Edit item

Click this button to edit the name of the selected entry.


Add submenu

Click this button to add a submenu.


Remove item

Click this button to remove the selected item.



Click this button to add the selected item in the Commands list to the menu.


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See also: