Open projects and set defaults

You can specify a default project and define its preferences such as the work area, design part, or request. Use project flags to determine versioning and deployment behavior, Change Management rules, and named branches.

Set default project

When you log in, the desktop client automatically opens your default project. You can open any Dimensions CM project and set it as default. You can also define a project's default work area.

To open a project and set it as default:

  1. In the desktop client, select Project > Open Project. The Open Project dialog box opens.

  2. In the Project field, enter a project's ID or select a project from the list. Favorite and recently used projects are displayed at the top of the list.

    Tip: You can add a project to your favorites directly in the project list. Point to a project in the list and click the star icon next to the project.

    To find projects based on refined criteria, click the browse button and specify the search options.

  3. In the Work Area field, verify the path to the work area folder. To change the assigned work area, enter the new path:

    If the folder is on your local machine

    Enter a full path, for example, c:\payroll.

    Note: Avoid setting the work area to the root folder of the drive on your machine, for example, C:\.

    If the folder is on a remote node

    Begin the path with the node name, followed by two colons (::).

    For example, to use the payroll folder on the HOST1 UNIX node, enter HOST1::/payroll.

    If you specify the folder that doesn't exist, Dimensions CM prompts you to create it.

    You can also select a work area from the list of available areas, or click the browse button and navigate to the folder.

  4. To set the project and the work area as default, select Make the selected project and work area my defaults.

  5. Click Open.

Tip: To open a favorite or recently used project/stream, select File > Recent Streams and Projects. By default, Dimensions CM stores 10 of your most recently used projects/streams. To change the settings, see Set user interface options.

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Set project default preferences

You can set the defaults for each project you open in the desktop client.

Dimensions CM can store the following preferences for previously opened projects/streams:

Work area The location for items you update, modify, and deliver back to the repository.

The request related as In Response To new item revisions created in the project/stream.

For details about object relationships, see Link version and change management.

Design part The design part that owns any new items created in the project/stream.
Branch Projects only: The branch where new item revisions are created.
Library cache area The area used to improve performance over wide area networks.

To define a project's default preferences:

  1. Open a project. For details, see Set default project.

  2. From the Project menu, select Preferences.

  3. In the Project Preferences dialog box, set the following defaults:

    Option Description
    Work area

    To change the assigned work area, enter the path to the work area folder:

    • If the folder is on your local machine, enter a full path, for example, c:\payroll.

      Note: Avoid setting the work area to the root folder of the drive on your machine, for example, C:\.

    • If the folder is on a remote node, begin the path with the node name, followed by two colons (::), for example, HOST1::/payroll.

    To browse for a work area folder, click the browse button.

    Default request

    Enter a request ID, or click the browse button to select a request.

    If you are using requests from multiple providers, specify the external request's ID in the following format:


    Example: Suppose you have an ALM Octane request provider with the ID OCTANE01. To set its user story US12345 as the default request, enter the following specification: OCTANE01:US12345

    For details on how to find requests, see Select requests to relate to changes.

    Default design part Enter the design part ID, or click the browse button to find one.
    Default branch

    Enter a branch name, or select a branch from the list.

    Leave empty if you don't want to set a default branch.

    Library cache area

    Select a library cache area from the list.

    This option is available only if at least one library cache area is defined for the project in the Administration Console.

  4. To save you selections as the project's defaults, select Make the current configuration my default.

  5. Click OK.

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Set project flags

Project flags determine the default behavior of item revisions in a project. Use project flags to set the options for delivering changes and to select named branches for new revisions.

For details on how to define stream flags, see Set stream flags.

To set project flags:

  1. In the desktop client, with any project open, select Project > Project Flags. The Set Project Flags dialog box opens.

  2. On the General tab, select the project for which to set flags. By default, your currently open project is selected.

    To use the $GENERIC product and the $GLOBAL project, select Use global project.

  3. Select the Options tab and set the version management options:

    Field Description

    Select this option to increment version numbers by adding a period before the new number.

    For example, if an item's revision number is 2, the item's first new revision in this project is 2.1, and the next one is 2.2.

    But for new items, the first revision number is 1, and the next one is 2.

    Do not branch

    Select this option to increment version numbers by adding 1 to the previous revision number.

    For example, if an item's revision number is 2, the item's first new revision in this project is 3, and the next one is 4. If an item's revision number is 2.1, the first new revision is 2.2.

    Note: We recommend that you use this option and assign a single branch.

    Allow user to override default revision number Select this option to allow users to change the automatically generated revision number when they create new item revisions.
    Lock project

    Select this option to prevent users from making changes to items.

    Locking a project is particularly useful when creating a baseline, as it restricts users from updating the project while baselining is in progress.

    To lock or unlock a project, you need the Workset Manager or Project Manager role.

    Note: Workset Managers or Project Managers can deliver items to a project even if the project is locked.

    You cannot modify a locked project:

    • No items or item revisions can be created.

    • Project items cannot be deleted from the physical library or removed from the workset.

    • Project items cannot be actioned or suspended.

    • You cannot change the content of item revisions. But you can create a new revision to be included in another project, provided that the target project is not locked.

    Note: You can bypass these restrictions if you have the Override Process Checks privilege or the PRODUCT-MANAGER role.

  4. Define the options for Change Management (CM) rules:

    Field Description
    Use item type settings Select this option to make items follow the CM rules, as defined for their item type in the Administration Console.
    Always enabled Select this option to make items behave as if the CM rules defined for their item types are enabled, regardless of whether they are enabled in the Administration Console.
    Always disabled Select this option to make items behave as if the CM rules defined for their item types are disabled.
    Request required to refactor

    Select this option to require users to specify a request ID when they make refactoring changes, such as moving or renaming items or project folders.

    Note: You cannot relate refactoring changes as In Response To a request if the request is above the initial stage in the Global Stage Lifecycle (GSL).

  5. Select the Deployment Options tab and set the Use local stages option.

    The Use local stages option determines whether the stage of item revisions in this project is affected by changes in other projects/streams. This option enables the following behavior:

    Use local stages is selected

    This preserves the stages of item revisions from changes caused by actioning.

    The stage of an item revision in this project remains unchanged when the same item revision in another project/stream is promoted/demoted to another stage.

    As a result, the same item revision can be at a different stage in different projects/streams.

    Use local stages is cleared Promoting/demoting an item revision in another project/stream to another stage changes the stage of the same item revision in this project.

    If an item's lifecycle states are mapped to stages in the Global Stage Lifecycle (GSL), then the stage of an item revision can also be changed when the item revision is actioned to those states.

    Note: After you select this option, you cannot clear it. If your project is using Deployment Automation, this option is always selected.

  6. Select the Named Branches tab and specify valid branches to which future revisions may be assigned.

    CTRL+click or SHIFT+click to select multiple branches. If you don't select a valid branch, Dimensions CM uses the first branch in the list.

    Optionally, select a default branch for item revisions.

  7. Click OK.

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See also: