Items tab

On the Items tab of the Open Baseline dialog box, you can view the items in a baseline.

Items tab

Field Description Rules and guidelines


Click an item in the Open Item dialog box.



The item revision branch.



The status of the item revision when it was baselined.



The stage of the item in the Global Stage Lifecycle.


Modified Date (UTC)

The date the item was last modified.

If the item revision has not been checked in, this is blank.

Checked Out By

The user ID of the person who checked out the item.

If the item is checked in, this is blank.

Get Copy: 

Click to get copies of any selected items.



Select an item and click History to see its revision history.


Export to Project

Click to export selected items to a new project.


Switch Tree tabs

Click a tab to switch between the design part tree view and the project folder view.


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See also: