View and compare changesets

You can inspect changesets in a stream or project, view changeset history, and compare changeset item revisions.

View changesets

Use the date and category filters to narrow down the list of displayed changesets.

To view and filter changesets:

  1. In the web client, open one of the views: My Current Stream, Items, Streams, or Project.

  2. Select a stream or project, or a subfolder, and click Changesets on the toolbar. The Changesets dialog box opens.

    Tip: Selecting a subfolder limits the scope of the changesets that are displayed.

  3. To view changesets from a specified date, select the From option and select the date.

    To view changesets up to a specified date, select the To option and select the date.

  4. To filter the view by a category, select a category from the Filter list, and enter a value.

    Example: Select Request(s) as a filtering attribute. In the Filter field, enter a request type, for example, ENH.

  5. Expand a changeset to view its contents. Each changeset displays its unique ID and a label that indicates its health. For details about changeset health labels, see Changeset health.

    Each row displays information about one item, including:

    • The change type

    • The path and revision

    • Related requests

    • The related PulseUno review, if available

  6. To view a changeset’s details, right-click and select Open Details. The changeset opens in PulseUno.

  7. To open the review associated with a changeset, right-click and select Open Review. The review opens in PulseUno.

    For details about changesets, see PulseUno.

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Browse and compare changeset items

You can browse the content of a changeset item, open the item, view related objects, and edit the item’s properties. You can compare a changeset item revision with another revision of the same item, or a workfile on disk.

To browse and compare a changeset item:

  1. In the web client, open one of the views:My Current Stream, Items, Streams, or Projects.

  2. Select a stream or project, or a subfolder, and click Changesets on the toolbar. The Changesets dialog box opens.

  3. Expand a changeset, and select an item revision.

  4. On the toolbar, click Browse. The Open Item dialog box opens.

    To browse the item revision, click the Preview tab. Use other tabs to view and edit the item revision’s properties.

  5. To compare an item, select a new or modified item revision, and click Compare on the toolbar. The Show Differences dialog box opens. View differences and compare items, as described in Compare item revisions and files.

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Browse and open requests

You can browse and open requests related to a changeset.

Note: Opening external requests from changesets is not supported in the web client.

To open a request:

  1. In the web client, select one of the views: My Current Stream, Items, Streams, or Projects.

  2. Select a stream or project, or a subfolder, and click Changesets on the toolbar. The Changesets dialog box opens.

  3. Select the top level of a changeset, or an item, and click Open Request on the toolbar.

    If multiple requests are associated with the changeset, select one. The Open Request dialog box opens.

  4. In the Open Request dialog box, view the request's relationships and action history. You can also modify the request’s attributes and add or delete file attachments.

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View changeset item history

You can view the history of a changeset item revision.

To view the revision history:

  1. In the web client, open one of the views My Current Stream, Items, Streams, or Projects.

  2. Select a stream or project, or a subfolder, and click Changesets on the toolbar. The Changesets dialog box opens.

  3. Expand a changeset.

  4. Right-click a new or modified item revision and select History. The History dialog box opens, where you can view the item's revision history perform actions on the item’s revisions. For details, see the Revision History dialog box.

See also: