Relationships tab with requests selected
Use the Relationships tab with requests selected to view, edit, or unrelate requests that are related to the selected item, request, or baseline.
Note: External requests cannot be related to requests, design parts, and requirements.
Field | Description |
Edit | Click to edit the request(s) selected on this tab. |
Relate | Click to relate more request(s) to the selected object. |
Unrelate | Click to unrelate the request(s) selected on this tab from the item whose properties you are editing. |
Related Objects Class |
Select the class of object to be displayed on the Relationships tab. Available options depend on the currently selected object and your process model. |
Filter | Select a filter to narrow down the number of displayed requests. |
Click to display the list of requests in a browser window. You can print the list or save it as an HTML file. |
Click to display the list of requests as a list of comma-separated values. You can save the list as a CSV file. |
Children | A table of requests with child relationships to the currently selected object. |
Select All | Click to select or clear all requests in the list. |
Select checkbox | Click to select the request. |
Navigate | Click to display an Open Request dialog box for the related request (and dismiss this current dialog box). |
ID |
The ID of the request. Click to edit the properties of the request. |
Title | (Display only) The title of the request. |
Severity | (Display only) The severity of the request. |
Status | (Display only) The current lifecycle state of the request. |
Last Updated By | (Display only) The user ID of the last person who updated the request. |
Type | (Display only) The type of request. |
Relationship Type | (Display only) The relationship type of the request. |
Parents |
A table of requests with parent relationships to the currently selected object. (Fields displayed as for the Children section above.) |
To submit your changes, click Save.
To submit your changes and action the item whose properties you are editing, click Save and Action.
See also: