Deliver Items wizard (page 2 of 2)

Use this wizard to add new items to Dimensions CM or to update (revise) existing items with files from your work area.

Use the second page to select the files you want to deliver from the list created from the options on the previous page.

Field Description Rules and guidelines

Files and directories in the selected directory


Display only.

Project paths of items to be created

Shows the paths and project file names of the items created in Dimensions CM.

  • Click an item to select or clear it.

  • Click the Select All button to select all the items in the list.

  • Click the Clear All button to clear all the items in the list.

This field is only displayed if you selected the Include items that do not currently exist in Dimensions checkbox on the previous page of this wizard.

Project paths of items to be updated

Shows the paths and project file names of the items updated in Dimensions CM.

  • Click an item to select or clear it.

  • Click the Select All button to select all the items in the list.

  • Click the Clear All button to clear all the items in the list.

The current revisions are also displayed if you selected Include item versions in display list on the previous page of this wizard.


Click to return to the first page of the wizard.



Click to submit your changes and close the wizard.


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See also: