Deployment view

Use the web client's Deployment view to view details about deployment-related activities, assign deployment areas, and manage deployment events to promote, demote, deploy, and roll back objects.

Deployment view structure

You can open the Deployment view from the web client, desktop client, Visual Studio IDE, and Eclipse IDE.

The Deployment view displays information about:

  • What was promoted, deployed, demoted, or rolled back.

  • When it was promoted, deployed, demoted, or rolled back.

  • Who promoted, deployed, demoted, or rolled it back.

  • Where it was promoted, deployed, demoted, or rolled back.

  • Was the promotion, deployment, demotion, or rollback successful.

  • How it was promoted, deployed, demoted, or rolled back (by item, request, baseline, or build).

The Deployment view consists of the navigation and content panes:

Navigation pane Contains a tree structure consisting of areas grouped within stages.
Content pane

Contains the following tabs:

You can filter information in these tabs, select rows, and perform various operations using the toolbar buttons at the top of the Deployment view.

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Content pane: Pending tab

The Pending tab lists all the items, requests, and baselines that have been promoted or demoted to a particular stage but not yet deployed to the areas. Objects remain in this tab until they have been deployed.

The Pending tab is particularly useful for release managers, as it helps them to plan and manage the deployment of software releases.

The Pending tab has the following columns:

Column Description
Name The name of the object that is pending for deployment.
Detail (Items only) The full path name and revision of the item.
Title (Requests only) The request title.
Description (Baselines only) The description of the baseline.
State The object’s current lifecycle state.
Stage The GSL stage for which the object is pending.
Promoted Date The most recent date and time that the object was promoted.
Promoted By The Dimensions CM user who last promoted the object.
Area The deployment area where the object is currently deployed.
Project/Stream The project or stream containing the object.
Product The product that contains the project or stream.

To view more information about a request, item, or baseline, click the object’s name in the Name column.

You can hide columns and sort the list by column types.

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Content pane: Queue tab

The Queue tab lists all deployment jobs that are waiting to run, including jobs that are:

  • Scheduled for a future deployment.

  • Waiting to be deployed, for example:

    • Jobs which scheduled deployment time has passed.

    • Jobs that do not have a scheduled deployment time and are waiting to be deployed as soon as possible.

The Queue tab has the following columns:

Column Description
Job ID The ID of the job.
Job Type Deployment, Rollback, Build, Clean, Audit, or Collect.
Job State The current state of the job (Submitted or Executing).
Queued Date The date and time when to run the job.
Queued By The Dimensions CM user who deployed the object.
Created By The user who created the job.
Stage The GSL stage for which the job is pending.
Area The deployment area where to deploy the job.
Project The project or stream associated with the job.

To view more information about a request, item, or baseline, click the object’s name in the Object Name column.

You can hide any of the columns and sort the list by Queued Date.

To view a job’s properties, click the job number in the Job ID column. The Queued Job Properties dialog box displays information about the job.

To view details about a job’s status, click Scheduled in the Job State column. The Status Details dialog box displays information about the job, for example:

  • General messages such as ’Deployed as a result of a promotion operation’.

  • Error messages.

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Content pane: History tab

The History tab lists the following events that have completed:

  • Promotions

  • Demotions

  • Deployments

  • Rollbacks

  • Builds (including the collection of build outputs)

  • Cleaning (of deployment areas)

  • Audit (of deployment areas)


  • Use the History tab to help you plan the rollback of deployments by displaying the deployments in the order they ran. This is the order in which they are rolled back.

  • Select Hide if can't roll back to hide deployments that cannot be rolled back or non-deployment events.

The History tab has the following columns (some are hidden by default):

Column Description
Name The name of the object.
  • Items: the full path name and revision of the item.

  • Requests: the request title.

  • Baselines: the description of the baseline.

Event Type Deployment, Rollback, Build, Clean, Audit, Collect, Promotion, or Demotion.
Event Description A brief description of the event.
Reason A description of the transaction.
Event Result Submitted, Executing, Succeeded, Failed, Canceled, or Paused.
Event Date The date and time of the transaction.
Event By The Dimensions CM user who performed the operation on the object.
From Stage The stage in the GSL where the object was promoted or demoted from.
To Stage The stage in the GSL where the object was promoted or demoted to.
Area The deployment area associated with the event.
Project/Stream The project or stream associated with the event.

The product containing the object.

The column is hidden by default.

Job ID

(Items only) The revision number.

The column is hidden by default.

Area version When the content of a deployment area is changed, Dimensions CM creates a new logical version of the area. This column displays the area version that was created as a result of the event.

You can hide columns and sort the list by Event Date.

When you select a stage node in the navigation pane, event types with an associated stage or area are displayed in the content pane. For example, deployment, rollback, build, clean, audit, collect, promotion, and demotion.

When you select an area node in the navigation pane, event types with an associated area are displayed in the content pane. For example, deployment and rollback. Promotion and demotion are not associated with an area, only a stage, and are not displayed. Any related deployments or rollbacks may be displayed if they involve the selected area.

To view more information about a request, item, or baseline, click the object’s name in the Name column.

To view details about an event’s status, click Failed or Succeeded in the Event Result column. The Status Details dialog box displays information about the event.

Events and jobs

Each event is displayed on a separate row. Some Dimensions CM operations generate multiple events. For example, if you deploy multiple items, a separate event is generated for each item. However, all the events for this operation belong to the same job.

When you select a row on the History tab and perform an operation, the operation affects more than the selected row. For example, if you select and roll back an item, all the items that are related to that deployment job are rolled back.

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See also: