Main navigation

This topic describes the main navigation pages that enable you to view information, configure settings, choose a project, and manage assets.

Navigation menu

The Navigation menu lets you move between pages to create and set up your load tests.

To open the menu:

  1. Click the Navigation menu button to view the menu nodes.

  2. Under Core Performance Engineering, select a node.

The top banner shows the name of the selected page, such as Home, Load tests, and Assets.

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Home page

The Home page provides the following useful views and quick access to your test and to their runs.

Section Description
Running tests

The Running tests area in the banner shows a list of the currently running load tests. Use the All runs / My runs toggle to view all running load tests, or only the runs that you triggered.


The Runs area has two tabs:

  • Recent runs: A list of the latest runs and their status.

  • Scheduled runs: A list of the load tests scheduled to run.

Use the All runs / My runs toggle to view all recent or scheduled runs, or only the runs you triggered or scheduled. To learn more about a specific run, click its run ID to open the Dashboard.

Tip: To view or edit a test's settings or schedule, click the test name.

Last modified tests A list of the last 20 load tests that were modified. To view or edit a load test's settings, click the test's name.

Use the + Create a test button in the main banner to begin the process of creating a test.

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Load tests page

The Load tests page lists all of the tests that were defined in the selected project in a grid listing. Click a test in the list to view or edit its definitions.

The Summary pane contains information about the test and its last run. For details, see Create a load test.

The Favorites icon Favorites icon indicates that a load test is included in your list of favorites. Click in a test's Favorites column to add or remove it as a favorite. For details, see Set a load test as a favorite.

In this tab, you can also define and assign labels to load tests. You can then sort them by these labels. For details, see Assign labels.

  • To create a label, click the + Create label button in the expandable and collapsible side pane.

  • To assign a label to a test, select it and click the Assign label button Assign labels button. From the dropdown, select the label you want to assign and click Apply.

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Assets page

The Assets page lets you manage the assets that you can include in your load tests.

The following assets are available.

Asset name Details
Scripts Scripts
Monitors Monitors
Load Generators OPLG requirements
Agents Agents
Network Emulations Network emulations
Script Keys Script keys
Data Files Data files
Templates Create report templates

For details, see Assets.

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Results page

The Results page lists all load tests that ran in the specified date range.

For details, see Results.

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What's new page

The What's new page provides details of this version’s features and enhancements.

For details, see What's new.

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Banner buttons

The banner buttons include:

Search button Search: Opens a search box where you can enter a string to search.
Favorites button

Favorites: Displays a list of your favorite load tests.

  • Click a load test in the list to display it in the Load tests page.

  • Remove a load test from the list by clicking the Delete icon.

For details on configuring a load test as a favorite, see Set a load test as a favorite.

Help button

Help: Provides links to useful resources.

A What's new section lists the new features in the latest release. Click View all for a complete list, screenshots, and links to the online help.

Click one of the following buttons:

  • Help Center: Opens the home page of the product help in a new window.

  • What's new: Opens the What's New in the product's online help.

  • Support ticket: Enables you to open a support incident or to submit a bug in MyAccount. You can also browse other support resources.

  • About: Displays version and tenant information, in addition to important disclaimers and links.

  • Community: Join the discussion forum and tap into the vast knowledge pool of the OpenText community. There are also blogs that cover many different focus areas.

  • Suggest an idea: Opens the Idea Exchange where you can submit ideas, vote on submissions, and collaborate with colleagues, partners, and product teams.

Settings button

Settings: Enables you to:

  • Access the tenant management area for your project

  • View the current license information for the selected project. When enabled, you can view the license usage report, and export it to a .csv file.

  • Purchase more licenses.

  • View your dedicated IPs (when enabled).

Notifications button

Notifications: Opens a pane where you can see:

  • A list of notifications. The Notification list provides a time stamp and other relevant information for events and errors.

  • A list of exported reports with a download link.

Tools and Integrations button

Tools and Integrations: Provides links to tools that are used in conjunction with OpenText Core Performance Engineering.

  • Scripting tools: Common scripting tools, such as OpenText VuGen, TruClient, and OpenText Performance Engineering for Developers, as well as external tools such as JMeter and Gatling. For details, see Scripting tools.

  • CI tools: Plugins for common CI/CD tools such as Jenkins and Azure DevOps. Use these tools to trigger tests from within your code or CI/CD cycle. For details, see CI plugins.

  • Agents: Agents such as the on-premises load generator OneLG (and its patches), OneLG Docker images, SiteScope monitors, and a Git agent. For details, see Integrations.

  • Streaming accounts: Accounts to which you can stream data during a test run (for example, to a Splunk account). For details, see Splunk integration.

  • Disruption events: Enables you to configure your Gremlin account and add disruption events to a load test. For details, see Disruption events.

  • Public APIs: Opens the OpenText Core Performance Engineering API. For details, see Public API.

<Project name> Shows the currently selected project. Click to see a complete list of the tenant's projects and to choose a different project.
User button

User: Shows the name of the current user. Expand the list for additional options.

  • Theme:The color theme for the user interface. The default is a light theme which features a white background with black text. There is also a dark theme with bright elements and easy-to-see colors.

  • Language: The preferred language for the user interface: English or Japanese.

  • Logout: Logs you out of your current project and returns you to the MyAccount login window.

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Assign labels

Use labels to help you organize scripts in your repository, or to organize your load tests in the Load tests and Results pages. The labels you create are common to both scripts and load tests.

Labels can be nested in sub-categories:

Labels dropdown list

The following table lists the available actions.

Action Task

Create a label


  1. Click the Expand labels pane button Expand labels pane button to open the Labels pane.
  2. In the Labels pane, click + Create label to open the New label dialog box.
  3. Give the label a name.
  4. Optionally, nest the label under another label.
  5. Click the Select color button Select color button to select a label color.
Edit a label

From the Labels pane, highlight a label.

Click the More options button More options button and select Edit.

Delete a label

From the Labels pane, highlight a label.

Click the More options button More options button and select Remove.

Removing a label also removes any sub-labels.

Assign a color to the label

From the Labels pane, highlight a label.

Click the More options button More options button and select Color.

Add a sub-label

From the Labels pane, highlight a label.

Click the More options button More options button and select Add sub-label.

Manually assign a label

You can assign a label to a script manually after the script has been uploaded.

  1. In the Assets > Scripts grid, select the check box of the scripts you want to label. For Results or Load tests, select one item in the grid.

  2. Click the Assign labels button Assing labels button, and select one or more labels to assign to the selected items.

Automatically assign a label

You can assign a label to a script automatically when uploading the script.

To assign a label to a script automatically, select the required label before uploading the script's .zip file or before dragging and dropping the script into the Assets > Scripts page.

Note: To assign a label to a script uploaded from a Git repository, you must use Git agent 2022.10 or later.

Filter by a label

You can filter scripts, load tests, and results by a specific label.

In the Labels pane, highlight a label or sub-label to filter the displayed items.

Labels pane example

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See also: