Trend Settings dialog box

This dialog box enables you to configure trend settings for a test, which LoadRunner Enterprise uses to automatically publish trend results.

To access
  1. From the LoadRunner Enterprise navigation toolbar, click and select Performance Trending (under Analysis).

  2. Select a performance test in the test management tree and click Edit Test.

  3. In the Performance Test Designer window, click Groups and Workload.

  4. Click the dropdown arrow adjacent to Trending in the Summary pane, and select Create Automatic Trending to configure trend settings for a test (by default, Trending settings are Off).

Important information

The trend report is not published (even if the test is marked for trending), if the results fail to be collated or analyzed for any reason.

Relevant tasks

Configure automatic trending

User interface elements are described below:

UI Elements


Create Automatic Trending

Enables the automatic publishing of trend reports.

Trend Report

Displays a list of available reports, enabling you to select a report to which to add the performance test run data.

Select Create new report to add the performance test run data to a new trending report, and enter the name of the new report in the Report box. For details, see Create New Trend Report page.

Trend Range

Select the range to include in the trend report:

  • Trend complete run. Includes data for the whole test run in the report.

  • Trend part of run. Includes data for the time range specified.

    • Start time. Enter the start time, in hours and minutes, for including data in the report.

    • End time. Enter the end time, in hours and minutes, for including data in the report.

Max runs in report

Enter the number of runs to publish in the report.

Maximum value: 20

When max runs is reached

Select the action to take when the maximum number of runs has been reached:

  • Delete first run and set new baseline.

  • Do not publish additional runs.

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See also: