View and analyze test results

You can view and analyze performance test data in real time or after a test run has finished from graphs or a consolidated report.

View test data and results

The following table lists the different options you can use to view performance test data:

Action Description
View test data in real time

During a performance test run, you can view online graphs that display information about the load that Vusers generate on your web server and other applications. LoadRunner Enterprise displays this data in real time during test execution.

For details, see View the Performance Test Run page (online screen).

View results offline

The Results page displays performance measurements and results for resources that were monitored in the test run. Viewing results offline provides quick access to performance graphs without having to wait for run results to be collated and analyzed.

For details, see View results in the dashboard and View test results offline.

Note: Offline data is not intended as a replacement for LoadRunner Analysis. Offline data is taken from InfluxDB (internal or external) and might not display data that occurs at the end of a test.

View result summary and graphs

At the conclusion of the performance test, you can use LoadRunner Analysis to view a summary and graphs of the data collected from these monitors during the test run.

For details on opening performance tests in LoadRunner Analysis, see Use LoadRunner Analysis to analyze performance test results.

For details on available graphs, see the LoadRunner Professional Help Center.

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Analyze performance test data

The following table lists the different options you can use during and after a performance test run to analyze test data.

Action Description
Detect anomalies in test results

Anomaly detection enables you to identify abnormal application behavior in performance tests. These insights help speed your investigation into system performance, and determine the root cause of detected deviations.

For details, see Detect anomalies.

View trending reports

Trending reports enable you to compare performance test run data over time, providing you better visibility and control of your application's performance.

For details, see Create trend reports.

Use Performance Application Lifecycle

Performance Application Lifecycle (PAL) provides complete end-to-end testing by using user traffic and system monitoring data in production to design a performance test that closely resembles production behavior.

For details, see Performance Application Lifecycle (PAL).

Note: The PAL feature is not available in this release of LoadRunner Enterprise.

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Use LoadRunner Analysis to analyze performance test results

LoadRunner Analysis lets you analyze performance test data off-line, from any computer on which Analysis is installed. You use Analysis to generate various graph views, merge graphs, drill down within graphs, change zoom level and granularity, and so forth.

Analysis integrates with LoadRunner Enterprise to let you analyze data collected during a performance test run. You can download raw results and sessions for analysis on a local machine. After analyzing the data, you can upload the analysis data (HTML and Rich reports) to LoadRunner Enterprise to share the results with other users.

For Analysis to access a LoadRunner Enterprise project, you need to perform the following:

  1. Install Analysis.

    You can download Standalone Analysis from the From the LoadRunner Enterprise navigation toolbar, click and selectDownload Applications > Standalone Analysis.

  2. Run a performance test in LoadRunner Enterprise

    1. After running a test, collate and analyze the results for the test run. For details, see Manage test results.

    2. Download the result files for a selected test run (Results_<run_id>.zip). For details, see Download and upload result files.

  3. Open the session file for your performance test in Analysis.

    For information about how to work within Analysis and for detailed information on the available graphs, see the LoadRunner Professional Help Center.

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See also: