View the Performance Test Run page (online screen)

This topic describes the Performance Test Run page which displays details of the running performance tests, and enables you to perform all runtime test run actions.

Access the Performance Test Run page

The Performance Test Run page opens as a tab in LoadRunner Enterprise automatically when a performance test starts, or when you join a running test from LoadRunner Enterprise.

Tip: You can also view performance measurements for resources that were monitored in the test run in offline graphs. For details, see View test results offline.

Summary area

The Summary pane (displayed in the upper section of the Performance Test Run page) displays a synopsis of the running performance test.

User interface:

User interface elements are described below:

UI Elements


Test Runs > <Test name> > <Run ID>

Name and ID of the running test.

Click the Test Name link to display the test in the Performance Test Designer window.


Displays details of the running performance test.


Displays result files for the test run. For details, see Download and upload result files.

Note: Available after the run has finished.

Event log Displays the event log for the test run. For details, see View test run event logs.
HTML Report

Opens an HTML version of the Analysis Summary report, which analyzes the data collected during the performance test run. The report provides general information about the performance test, lists statistics about the test run, and provides links to graphs containing test run data.

For more details regarding the summary report, see the LoadRunner Professional Help Center.

Note: Available after the run has finished.

NV Insights report

Opens the NV Insights report for the selected test run. For details, see View test results offline.

Note: Available after the run has finished, and only if NV Insights is enabled and included in the performance test.

Run Details

The current run state (for example Running or Down), and the name and ID of the test.

Elapsed Time

The amount of time since the test began running.

Scheduler State

The current state of the scheduler.

Hits per Sec

How many hits (HTTP requests) there have been to the web server by Vusers during each second of the test run.


The number of Vuser errors that occurred during the test run. If there are errors, click the number of errors link to view details in the Messages view. For details, see Messages view.


The number of completed, successful (green) and unsuccessful (red) transactions performed during the test run. Click the transactions link to view details in the Transactions grid. For details, see Transactions view.

Total Vusers

Displays the total number of Vusers in the test, and a breakdown of the current Vuser status: Not Started, Active, and Finished.

Click to display a breakdown of the statuses of the Vusers in the performance test. For details, see Groups view.

Opens an area below the summary area, which displays the following:

  • Controller. The Controller being used in the test.

  • User. The name of the user who is running the test.

Stop Run/Stop Now. Enables you to stop a running performance test.

  • Stop Run. Stops the test gradually by moving all running Vusers to the Gradual Exiting state. For details, see Run performance tests.

  • Stop Now. Enabled only after you click the Stop Run button. Enables you to stop the Vusers immediately.

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Toolbar buttons

The Performance Test Run toolbar is located in the upper area of the Performance Test Run page.

User interface:

UI Elements


Graphs Displays the Graphs view (displayed by default). For details, see Graphs view.


Displays the Groups view. For details, see Groups view.


Displays the Transactions view. For details, see Transactions view.


Displays the Messages view. For details, see Messages view.

Toolbar Buttons

Vusers Details. Displays specific details for each Vuser in the performance test, and enables you to run or stop individual Vusers irrespective of their defined schedules. For user interface details, see View Vuser details.

Run Vusers. Enables you to run additional Vusers during the course of a performance test. That is, you can run Vusers that are not included in the test's original defined schedule. For details, see Run Vusers.

Load Generators. Enables you to manage the load generator in the performance test. For details, see Manage load generators.

Timeslot Duration. Enables you to extend or shorten the duration of the performance test. For user interface details, see Change timeslot duration.

Monitors. Click the arrow adjacent to the button for the following options:

  • Runtime Monitors. Displays a list of monitors which are currently running during a performance test, and enables you to add, edit, and remove monitors during the run. For details, see Manage runtime monitors.

  • Monitor Over Firewall. Enables you to change the status of a monitor over firewall machine. For details, see Edit monitor over firewall information.

More. Click the arrow adjacent to the button for the following options:

  • Add Group. Enables you to add a Vuser group to a running performance test, or to edit Vuser group settings during a test run. For details, see Manage Vusers during a test run.

  • Edit Scheduler. Enables you to edit the scheduler during a test run. For user interface details, see Edit the scheduler during a test run.

  • View Rendezvous. Enables you to enable/disable rendezvous points defined in the Vuser scripts and to set rendezvous policies that determine how the Controller handles Vusers at a rendezvous point. For user interface details, see Set rendezvous policies.

  • Service Virtualization. Opens the Configure Service Virtualization Dialog Box. For user interface details, see Service Virtualization dialog box.

    Note: The integration with Service Virtualization is supported in LoadRunner Enterprise 2020 only.

  • Add run to PAL report. Opens the Select PAL Report dialog box, enabling you to add the test run data to a selected PAL report. The test run data is displayed in the Data Sources Tab. For details, see Data Sources tab.

    Note: The PAL feature is not available in this release of LoadRunner Enterprise.

  • Runs Trend. Displays a trend graph which monitors the test runs of a selected test over time. For details, see Test Runs Trend view and tab (Performance Test Designer).

Search. Enables filtering the information being displayed in each of the views by the search string.

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Graphs view

The online graphs display performance measurements for those resources being monitored in a performance test.

To access:

Click the Graphs button (the Graphs view is displayed by default in the Performance Test Run page).

For details on the tabs available from the Graphs view, see Graphs Tab, Topology Tab, and Diagnostics Tab.

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To adjust time range in graph:

You can adjust the time range displayed in the graphs view by:

  • Selecting a granularity range to display (3 minutes, 10 minutes, 1 hour, or whole).

  • Using the slider to focus on a particular time period. Pull the sliders on both sides to focus on a particular time period. You can also move the selection (maintaining the same granularity), and select a new range in the timeline.

Note: To ensure the correct real time for running the performance test is displayed in the online graph, the time zone on the LoadRunner Enterprise Server and any external analysis database servers must all be synchronized.

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User interface:

User interface elements are described below:

UI Elements


 Global display options

Filter Measurement. Enables you to filter measurements by name for all graphs in the graphs pane.

  • Show only visible. Enables you to hide the non-visible measurements from the legend.

  • Has Anomalies. Enables you to display only those measurements that have an anomaly.

Configuration. Enables you to configure all graphs displayed in the display pane. The following options are available:

  • Time Display. The time displayed on the x-axis.

    • Relative to Load Test start. Displays the amount of time that has elapsed since the beginning of the test (in hours, minutes, and seconds).
    • Controller clock. Displays the time on the Controller clock.
  • Show Anomalies. Displays the anomalies sleeve and the plot bands for those measurements that have an anomaly.

Graph Layout. Displays graphs either side by side (up to three in a row), or stacked one on top of another. You can display up to 12 graphs simultaneously.

Maximize/Minimize Graph. Enables you to maximize/minimize the graphs displayed in the graphs pane.

   Individual graph options

Enables you to filter measurements by name in the legend.

  • Show only visible. Hides the non-visible measurements from the legend.

  • Has Anomalies. Enables you to display only those measurements that have an anomaly.

Configure. Enables you to configure the selected graph. The following options are available:

  • Scale. Scales measurements approximately so that they appear in the same range in the y-axis. This avoids measurements with smaller values appearing as flat lines with zero value. Select the desired scale:

    • Automatic. Each measurement in the graph is displayed in the scale that best suits it.
    • None. Each measurement's true values are displayed in the graph.

Duplicate. Enables you to duplicate the selected graph.

Show Anomalies. Displays the anomalies sleeve and the plot bands for those measurements that have an anomaly.

Enables you to maximize/minimize the selected graph.

When you maximize the graph, the following information is displayed:

  • Expand Legend. Expands the area of the legend.

  • Filter Measurement. Enables you to filter measurements in the legend.

  • Show only visible. Enables you to hide the non-visible measurements from the legend.

  • Has Anomalies. Enables you to display only those measurements that have an anomaly.

  • Legend Options. (Displayed on left-hand side of the Name column.) The following options are available:

    • Show Favorites. Displays the measurements set as favorite.
    • Hide Visible. Hides the visible measurements on the graph.
    • Select Visible as Favorites. Saves the currently displayed measurements as favorites.
  • Name. The measurement name.

    A warning icon appears next to the name of each measurement that contains an anomaly.

  • Scale. The graph scale.

  • Max. The measurement's maximum value.

  • Min. The measurement's minimum value.

  • Avg. The measurement's average value.

  • Std. The measurement's standard deviation.

  • Last. The measurement's last value.

  • Measurement Options. (Displayed on left-hand side of the Set as Favorite icon.) The following options are available:

    • Show. Displays the measurement on the graph.

    • Hide. Hides the measurement from the graph.

    • Bold. Displays the measurement in bold.

    • Show only me. Displays the selected measurement and hides the others from the graph.

  • Set as Favorite. Sets the measurement as favorite.

  • <color>. Enables you to select in which color the measurement appears in the graph.

  • <page list>. (Displayed only for graphs that have at least 20 measurements.) Enables you to move to the first, last, or a specific graph measurements page.

Enables you to hide the selected graph.
Indicates an anomaly has occurred in the graph (displayed to the right of the graph name).
<zoom a graph line> In the graph, select a graph line and drag it up or down to zoom in. To reset, click Reset Zoom.

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Groups view

The Groups view displays the statuses of the Vusers in the performance test.

To access:

Click the Groups button.

User interface:

User interface elements are described below:

UI Elements



The Vuser group name.


The number of Vusers that are down.


The number of Vusers that are ready to be initialized and are waiting for an available load generator, or are transferring files to the load generator. The Vusers run when the conditions set in their scheduling attributes are met.


The number of Vusers that are being initialized on the host machine.


The number of Vusers that have already performed the init section of the script and are ready to run.


The number of Vusers that are running. The Vuser script is being executed on a host machine.


The number of Vusers that have arrived at the rendezvous and are waiting to be released.

Gradual Exiting (displayed as G. Exit)

The number of Vusers that are finishing their current iteration before exiting.

Exiting (displayed as Exit)

The number of Vusers that have finished running, or have been stopped, and are exiting now.


The number of Vusers that have been paused.


The number of Vusers that have been stopped manually.


The number of Vusers that have finished running. The script passed.


The number of Vusers that have finished running. The script failed.


The number of Vusers for which a problem occurred.

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Transactions view

The Transactions view of the Details pane displays how many transactions have been executed successfully or unsuccessfully.

To access:

Click the Transactions button.

User interface:

User interface elements are described below:

UI Elements



The transaction name.


The number of times the transaction passed.


The number of times the transaction failed.


The number of times the transaction stopped.

Success Rate %

The transactions success rate percentage.


The number of times per second the transaction has run.

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Messages view

The Messages view displays error, warning, debug, and output messages that are sent to the Controller by the Vusers and load generators during a test run.

To access:

Click the Messages button.

User interface:

User interface elements are described below:

UI Elements


Group by. Enables grouping messages by Code, Message, Host, Script, or Vuser.

After you have selected a grouping, the grid displays a drilled down view. You can click a blue link to filter grid data by the selected value. For example, if data is grouped by Code and you drill down on a particular code, the grid displays all messages for the selected code.

Type. Enables filtering the messages by a specific message type:

  • Errors. Usually indicates that the script failed.

  • Warnings. Indicates that the Vuser encountered a problem, but that the test continued to run.

  • Notifications. Provides runtime information.

  • Debug. Sent only if the debugging feature is enabled in the Controller. To enable the feature, select Tools > LoadRunner Enterprise Controller Options > Debug Information.

Default: All Types

Vuser Log. Select a row in the grid and click Vuser Log. The Vuser activity log opens, enabling you to view a list of messages per individual Vuser. The log contains the following information:

  • Activity log for Vuser. The selected Vuser whose ID is being displayed.

  • Refresh. Enables you to refresh the log.

  • Download log. Enables you to download the log.

  • Log Message area. Displays a list of all messages received for the selected Vuser.

  • Snapshot. Generates a snapshot (a graphical representation of the Web page) of the point in the test run where an error occurred. Before using this feature, you must enable the Generate snapshot on error option in the script's runtime settings. For details on the runtime settings, see Configure runtime settings.


  • Rows cannot be selected when data is grouped.

  • This option is not displayed in the offline results view.

Clear All Messages. Clears all messages.
Refresh. Refreshes the messages displayed on the page.
Total Messages

The total number of messages received.

Time The time the message was generated.

The type of message. For details, see Type. Enables filtering the messages by a specific message type: above.

Code The message code.
Message The received message.

The host that generated the message. You can click a host link to group messages by the selected host value.

Script The script that generated the message. You can click a script link to group messages by the selected script value.
Action The action in the script where the message was generated.
Line The line in the script where the message was generated.
Iteration The iteration during which the message was generated.
Vuser The Vuser which generated the message. You can click a Vuser link to group messages by the selected Vuser value.
Total Messages

The total number of messages received for the selected grouping.

Note: Displayed only when messages are grouped.

Total Vusers

Displays the total number of Vusers for the selected grouping.

Note: Displayed only when messages are grouped.

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See also: