Install a seat license

When using seat licenses, you must install a license on every computer on which NV Test Manager is installed.

Caution: Cloning a virtual machine on which NV Test Manager is installed will disable the license.

To install a seat license:

  1. Determine the required number of emulation flows before you get started. You need to enter this number when generating the license in step 5, below.

  2. Open the NV License Manager on the relevant computer.

  3. Click Install seat license.

  4. In the Install Seat license screen, copy the NV machine code (unique to your computer).

  5. Navigate to the Software Licenses and Downloads (SLD) portal.

  6. In the NV License Manager, browse to the Install Seat license screen. In the License file box, select the license file you saved in the previous step.

  7. Click Update. The updated license details are displayed in the NV License Manager main page.

See also: