Create requests

This topic provides the details of how to create requests.

In this topic:

Overview of requests

In Demand Management, requests are the means by which actions and processes are initiated. Requests contain all of the information necessary to take a series of actions and move through a workflow.

The information that a request contains depends on its request type. For example, if you create an enhancement request, the information you provide is different than if you create an application defect request. However, most request types have the same basic organization.

How the sections in a request detail page are organized is decided by the the Use Tabs in Request Details Page feature toggle. If the feature toggle is turned on, the request detail page displays the Dashboard, Details, Status, Notes, and References sections as tabs. If the feature toggle is turned off, the request detail page displays these sections in a long page.

For details about the sections in the request detail page, see View requests.

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Create a request from scratch

You can create requests from the following locations:

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Copy a request

You can create a request by copying an existing one. This saves your time by eliminating the need to reenter information that is common to both requests.

Note: If your PPM instance supports multiple languages, and you create a request by copying an existing field, keep in mind that the new request you create as a result of the copy action has its definition language automatically set to your current session language, even if the original entity had a different definition language. For more information, see the Multilingual User Interface Guide.

To copy an existing request:

  1. Log on to PPM.

  2. Open a request.

    To open a request, see Open and update requests.

  3. In the top-right corner, click Copy.

    The Copy Request page opens.

  4. To add the notes associated with the original request to the new request, select the Copy Request Notes check box.

  5. To add the references associated with the original request to the new request, select the Copy Request References check box.

  6. Click Copy.

    All the field values in the header and details sections of the existing request are copied to the new request.

  7. Modify the field values as required, and then click Submit.

Note: In PPM 10.0.2 and later versions, the Copy Request Notes and Copy Request References check boxes may not be available if the COPY_REQUEST_SHOW_COPY_NOTES and COPY_REQUEST_SHOW_COPY_NOTES parameters are set to false.

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Import requests from XML files

You can use the menu option Import Request from XML to import XML files as requests. The web page takes an XML file and the XSL template as input, and imports the specified XML file to create a new request or update an existing request.

To import requests from XML files:

  1. Prerequisite: You must have the Demand Mgmt: Import Request access grant.

  2. Log on to PPM.

  3. From the PPM menu, click Open > Demand Management > Import Request From XML.

    The Import Request from XML page opens.

  4. In the XML File to Import field, click Choose File to select the XML file you want to import.

  5. In the XSL Template field, select the XSL template you want to associate with the imported XML file.

    XSL templates are configured in the PPM Workbench by administrators. For information about configuring XSL templates, see the Demand Management Configuration Guide.

  6. To import the XSL template to create a new request, select Create a new request.

  7. To import the XSL template to update an existing request, select Updating an existing request and in the Request ID field, provide the ID for the request that you want to update.

  8. (Optional) If it is your first time to import an XML file, you may want to run a test before importing the XML file. In this case, click Test.

    PPM tests if the XML file can be imported successfully.

    • If the test result page shows "Test completed successfully", proceed to the next step.

    • If the test result page shows "Error parsing the incoming xml file...", troubleshoot the cause and make sure the XML is ready for import.

  9. Click Import.

  10. Check the import result and the ID of the new request created.

    Note: A "Test/Import completed successfully" message is displayed even when the imported XML file does not match the selected XSL template, but no corresponding request ID is generated and the log shows "pass:0".

  11. Click Back to return to the Import Request from XML page.

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See also: