What's New in PPM 9.61

This section provides an overview of the features that were introduced or enhanced in PPM 9.61.

Portfolio Management enhancements

The following enhancements were added to the Portfolio Management module.

New views added for portfolio backlog

Two new views were introduced to portfolio backlog: Hierarchy and Board. The views provide different ways to organize and present backlog items.

For details, see Hierarchy View and Board View.

Portfolio overview customization

If enabled, the PPM administrator can set the default view of the Overview tab for all the portfolios in the system, and portfolio managers can change their portfolio's overview layout to override the default setting.

Copy global and parent portfolio's strategic themes

You are now able to copy global and parent portfolio's strategic themes to your portfolio, and then edit the strategic themes in your portfolio.

For details, see Capture strategic alignment information.

Create and add subportfolios and proposals within a portfolio

You can directly create and add subportfolios and proposals to your portfolio. This is available only in the Backlog tab.

For details, see Add portfolio contents .

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Project Management enhancements

The following enhancements were added to the Project Management module.

Sync work plan from staffing profile

If you sync a project work plan from the staffing profile, for the tasks that have been synched to the staffing profile as positions, their resources and Schedule Effort data will be synchronized from the positions.

For details, see Synchronize work plan from staffing profile .

Allow project managers to edit resource allocations

The Edit Resource Allocations in Staffing Profiles access grant was added. Project managers with this access grant can edit resource allocations in their staffing profiles regardless of whether the resources belong to their resource pools.

For details, see Using Staffing Profile for Resource Planning.

USE_ROLE_OF_TASK_FOR_WP_COSTS also applies to costs from time sheets

The USE_ROLE_OF_TASK_FOR_WP_COSTS parameter, which controls whether PPM calculates work plan planned costs based on the task roles or the task resource roles, now also applies to the costs calculated from the time logged against task time sheets.

For details, see Server parameters.

Change exported PDF title when project name changes

Every time you export a project or Dashboard page to PDF, PPM will read the project or page name and reflect the name in the PDF title.

If you change the PDF title to be different than the project or Dashboard page name, PPM will save the title in the database, and will use the saved title in the next PDF export.

For details, see Export your project and work plan.

Audit trail for task user data

Task audit trail now tracks the changes of task user data.

For details, see Tracking Project, Work Plan, and Task Audit Trail.

Use REST API to set a task as milestone

You are now able to use REST API to set a task as milestone.

For details, seeInteractive REST API Help.

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Deployment improvements

To facilitate the PPM upgrade, we implemented some deployment improvements in 9.61.

For details, see PPM Deployment Improvements.

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Resource Management enhancements

The following enhancement were added to the Resource Management module.

Add Manage Allocations page for a specific pool to My Link If you are on the Manage Allocations page for a specific resource pool, and add the page to My Link, the page link will remember the resource pool. Next time you open the page from My Link, you do not have to specify the resource pool again.
STAFFING_PROFILE_REQUIRED_COLUMNS also works for position pop-up windows

If you use the STAFFING_PROFILE_REQUIRED_COLUMNS parameter to set staffing profile required column, the columns are required both when you inline edit a position and when you edit the position in the position pop-up window.

For details, see Server parameters.

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Dashboard enhancements

The following enhancement was added to the Dashboard module.

Dashboard page filters

  • The dashboard.Page-Filters-Usage server parameter is removed. You can use the feature toggle Dashboard Page Filters for Builder Portlets to enable or disable Dashboard page filters.
  • Dashboard page filters exclude filters from Java portlets.

For details, see Use dashboard page filters.

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Time Management enhancements

The following enhancement was added to the Time Management module.

Shift + click works for time sheets using "Day in Days" entry mode

If you enter time by Day in Days, you can use the Shift + click short cut to copy and paste cell values.

For details, see Log time in your time sheet.

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PPM Chatbot Enhancement

When PPM Chatbot chats with you to request information of an auto-complete-list field, instead of typing the complete information, you just need to provide a keyword and then pick the exact information from a list of options that contain the keyword.

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Help Center

We've updated our Help Center Home page with a new fresh look.

Let us know what you think: Send Help Center Feedback.

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The following items were deprecated.

Item Details
The dashboard.Page-Filters-Usage parameter

The parameter was removed. The PPM administrator can use the feature toggle Dashboard Page Filters for Builder Portlets to control whether to enable the use of Dashboard page filters.

For details, see Use dashboard page filters.


The parameter was removed. The PPM administrator can turn on the feature toggle Sync Between Task and Positions to allow project mangers to sync positions from work plan tasks.

For details, see Synchronize Positions from Work Plan Tasks.

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See also: