Dimensions CM-related issues

This topic helps you troubleshoot issues related to PulseUno that is installed as part of Dimensions CM.

PulseUno displays 404 error

The most common reason for an 404 error is the PulseUno web application not being able to access the PulseUno database when Tomcat is started.


  • If the database connection details are configured correctly, verify that the database server is accessible and then restart Tomcat.

  • If the problem persists, check the server's <pulse_data>\_logs directory for log files. The latest log contains an error message describing the problem.

  • If the installer created the PulseUno database but has set the database connection details incorrectly, modify the startup.properties file to update the value of the database.jdbcurl property. For JDBC URL values, see Connect with JDBC.

    Microsoft SQL Server: Ensure that the database server supports mixed mode authentication and that the TCP/IP protocol is enabled in the network configuration even if the database server is local. If the installer did not create the PulseUno database, create a database user in Oracle:

    Copy code

    Alternatively, use this script to create a database in SQL Server:


  • Verify that the correct database password is set for the database.password value in startup.properties.

    Enter either the password (in plain text) or the special value "REG:" The "REG:" value looks up the password in registry.dat, in the location identified by the value for registered.password.file in startup.properties.

    If you move the PulseUno installation to another machine, you may need to copy registry.dat and check the value for registered.password.file (in startup.properties) so that PulseUno can find it.

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Users cannot log in

If users cannot log in to PulseUno, try the following:

If you are not using SSO

Verify that the following line in startup.properties refers to your Dimensions CM server hostname:


If your Dimensions CM server runs on a TCP port number other than 671, you may need to add it, for example:


If you are using Serena SSO

Verify that the Gatekeeper configuration is correct, and look for Tomcat log files with exceptions at the relevant times, particularly sso-gatekeeper.log.

Logs directory: <tomcat-root>\logs

Regardless of Serena SSO For both SSO and non-SSO, check the latest log file in the PulseUno data _logs directory for messages (at the relevant times).

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Check who the administrator is

The first time that PulseUno runs, it runs the JavaScript code in this file located in the PulseUno data directory:


If this script file runs and completes successfully, it is deleted. You need to look at the backup copy in the PulseUno data directory:


This file has a line containing a call to the method createIfNotExistsAdmin that passes a login ID. This account has the administrator privileges for PulseUno. Log in with this account to grant or remove administrator privileges to other users.

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Reviews and builds not triggered

If deliveries are not creating reviews or triggering builds, or if actioning requests does not add reviewers to reviews, it may be because PulseUno is not responding to Dimensions CM ALF events.

For other similar cases, see Other issues.


  • If deliveries or request actions are not being received by PulseUno, check that the DM_ALF_ENDPOINT symbol in <DM_ROOT>\dm.cfg is set to the correct URL. The default URL is:


    where DM_PULSE_WEB_URL has the default value: %DM_WEB_URL%\pulse

    Verify that the value of DM_WEB_URL is correct.

  • Verify that the DM_ALF_EVENT_CONFIG symbol in <DM_ROOT>\dm.cfg points to the following file:


    This file specifies which ALF events are sent to DM_ALF_ENDPOINT URL. This file should exist and send the following events for the databases and projects you are using with PulseUno:

    Project, create
    Project, deliver
    Request, action

  • If events are still not behaving as expected, you may need to increase the logging level to ensure that there is enough information to diagnose the problem in the log files in the PulseUno data _logs directory.

    To increase the logging level, edit the <pulse_data>\conf\logback.xml file on the server, for example:

    Copy code
    <logger name="com.serena.starlight" level="INFO" />


    Copy code
    <logger name="org.apache.cxf.interceptor.LoggingInInterceptor" level="WARN" />
    <logger name="org.apache.cxf.interceptor.LoggingOutInterceptor" level="WARN" />

    Change the level from INFO to DEBUG, or from WARN to INFO, for the appropriate logger name.

    Caution: Detailed logging has a significant impact on PulseUno’s performance. Change the log levels back to the defaults after you have diagnosed the problem.

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Plugins not triggered

A change in Dimensions CM generates a new changeset, but reviews are not created, and plugins are not triggered by the new changeset. This issue may occur if you are using a base database that has not been specified.


  1. Open this file: <DM_ROOT>\dfs\alf_events_config.xml.

  2. Add a new <Database> section, specify the basedb for the <Name> parameter, and list all the ALF events that need to be triggered.

    Tip: Make a copy of the sample <Database> section and change the <Name> parameter to <basedb>@<SID>.

  3. Save the changes.

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See also: