Other issues

Use these troubleshooting suggestions for issues related to accessing PulseUno and working with reviews.

Reviewers not as expected

Note: This functionality is available only if PulseUno is used with Dimensions CM.

If the reviewers assigned to a new review are not as expected, try the following:

  • Check that the design parts that own the files being reviewed are correct.

  • Check who holds the Reviewer role on those design parts.

A PulseUno administrator can configure the Reviewer role for each Dimensions CM repository.

Note: PulseUno assigns reviewers differently to the way roles are assigned to Dimensions CM requests. PulseUno takes a union of the users holding the role on the items' owning design parts, while CM requests take the role assignments from a common ancestor design part in the design part hierarchy.

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Item content not displayed in reviews

Note: This functionality is available only if PulseUno is used with Dimensions CM.

If item content is not displayed correctly in reviews, open the Dimensions CM Administration Console and verify the following:

  • The item's data format is set correctly.

  • The data format has an appropriate MIME type. Items that have a data format with a MIME type beginning with text/ are displayed as inline text, while MIME types beginning with image/ are displayed as images.

    When you change an item's data format or the data format's MIME type, the change may not be displayed immediately in PulseUno. The file content part of the review page is cached at the server and may take a few minutes to cycle.

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Requests are actioned, but reviews don't change state

Note: This functionality is available only if PulseUno is used with Dimensions CM.

If Dimensions CM requests are actioned, but the corresponding PulseUno reviews do not change state, try the following:

  1. In PulseUno, navigate to Administration > Connections.

  2. Open the review's repository, and select the Reviews tab.

  3. In the Reviewer role name in CM field, check the Dimensions CM role that has been specified. Users that hold this role can be selected as reviewers in PulseUno.

    • If the Dimensions CM request does not have a user that holds this CM role, no changes are made in PulseUno.

    • If the Dimensions CM request does have a user that holds this Dimensions CM role, the role assignment should have been copied to the review. However, the review rule script for the stream also determines if the review changes its state.

    All reviews that are at the Draft and Rework states and associated with the actioned request have their reviewers updated. Reviews not at Draft or Rework are not affected by the request.

Check the ALF event configurations and PulseUno server logs.

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PulseUno reviews change state, but requests are not actioned

Note: This functionality is available only if PulseUno is used with Dimensions CM.

If PulseUno reviews change state but the corresponding Dimensions CM requests are not actioned, try the following:

  1. In PulseUno, navigate to Administration > Connections.

  2. Open the review's repository, and select the Reviews tab.

  3. Verify that the names in the Approved state name in CM and Rework state name in CM fields are correct.

  4. Click Cancel.

  5. Select the Connection Details tab.

  6. Check the credentials of the specified user account to verify that the user can log in to Dimensions CM and has privileges in Dimensions CM to action requests to the necessary states.


  • If a request in Dimensions CM requires mandatory attributes, enter them manually. PulseUno cannot automatically populate the attributes unless the credentials on the repository are for an account that has privileges in Dimensions CM to bypass this requirement.

  • Delegate any role assignments on requests in Dimensions CM that are required before the request can be actioned to the next state. PulseUno does not change the role assignments on requests in Dimensions CM, even for the Reviewer role of the repository.

  • Only reviews that change their state from In Review to Rework, or from In Review to Approved or Completed, cause their corresponding Dimensions CM requests to be actioned. If a review is associated with multiple requests, all the requests are actioned. If a request is associated with multiple reviews, the request is actioned more than once.

  • Check the PulseUno server logs at the DEBUG level.

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Unexpected formatting in review comments

  • PulseUno uses Markdown syntax for formatting user comments. For details, see the Markdown syntax reference.

    If you are expecting a new line in your comment, try ending the previous line with two spaces or using an extra blank line.

  • For security reasons the following are removed:

    • Links that do not point to a URL of the type http:// or https://.

    • Unsafe or unbalanced HTML tags.

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IIS 403 error

If you have configured IIS using AJP and you are getting an IIS 403 error page instead of the PulseUno login page when you open the PulseUno URL, try the following:

  1. Open IIS Manager.

  2. In the Connections pane, expand Default Web Site, and select the /jakarta directory.

  3. In the Management section of the Features view, double-click Configuration Editor.

  4. In the From list, select Default Web Site/jakarta Web.config.

  5. In the Section list, select system.webServer/httpErrors from the tree.

  6. Change the value of the existingResponse property from Auto to PassThrough.

  7. In the Actions panel, click Apply.

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See also: