Git issues

Use these solutions and troubleshooting suggestions for issues related to a PulseUno Git server.

Remove remote host identification warning

Upgrade from version 22.1 or earlier: Because the Git server has been updated to use a more secure host identification algorithm, you may get a warning message when performing Git operations after the upgrade:

Warning: Remote host identification has changed!

This security notification indicates that the host identification key has been changed, and is expected behavior after the Git server upgrade.

To remove the warning:

Method Description
Run ssh-keygen command to update the known_hosts file (recommended)

Using the ssh-keygen utility, run the following command:

$ ssh-keygen -R <pulseuno-git-server-hostname>

This removes the outdated key from the known_hosts file.

Manually update the known_hosts file

Use this method if you don't have access to ssh-keygen.

In the known_hosts file, remove any line that starts with the name of your PulseUno Git server.

File locations:

  • Windows: C:\Users\<your-user>\.ssh\ known_hosts

  • Linux: ~/.ssh/known_hosts

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Missing or unexpected Git branches

If some of your Git repository's branches are missing in PulseUno, or you find branches in PulseUno that should no longer be there, it may be because the PulseUno server is out of sync with the Git server.

To sync servers:

  1. On the top navigation bar, select the relevant space from the spaces list.
  2. On the Products page, open the Git repository that has branch issues.

  3. On the sidebar, select Settings > Branches.

  4. On the Branches page, click Synchronize Branches.

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Git branch not syncing with Dimensions CM

If you cannot sync a Git branch with a Dimensions CM stream, it may be because the Git server hasn't been configured for your Git command-line tool.

By default, if you install the Git command-line tool before installing the Git server, the Git command line is automatically patched for use by the Git server. Otherwise, you need to manually configure the Git server to use the Git command line.

To configure the Git server for the Git command line:

  1. Install a Git command-line tool. For example, if you are using Git for Windows, install it in the following default location:

    C:\Program Files\Git

  2. Copy all the files in the Git server's bin directory:




  3. Paste the copied files into the directory containing the Git command-line tool executable file. For example, if you are using Git for Windows, paste the copied files into the git-core directory: 

    C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64\libexec\git-core

  4. Edit each copied file to provide valid values for the following variables:

    Variable Value

    The Git server installation directory (defined when the Git server was installed).

    Default location:

    Windows C:\Program Files\OpenText\PulseUno\git-server
    Linux /opt/opentext/pulseuno/git-server

    The Git server data directory (defined when the Git server was installed).

    Default location:

    Windows C:\ProgramData\OpenText\PulseUno\git_data
    Linux /opt/opentext/pulseuno/data/git_data

    The location of the Common Java Runtime Environment (defined when PulseUno was installed).


    Windows C:\Program Files\OpenText\common\jre\11.0\bin\java
    Linux /opt/opentext/common/jre/11.0/bin/java
  5. In the Git server's configuration directory, <git_data>\config, edit the file. Set the git.location property to point to the Git executable file, for example:

    git.location=C\:\\Program Files\\Git\\mingw64\\libexec\\git-core\\git.exe

  6. Save the file.

  7. Restart Common Tomcat.

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See also: