Plugin issues

This topic helps you troubleshoot plugin-related issues in PulseUno.

Dependency Vulnerabilities plugin

If you have issues with the Dependency Vulnerabilities plugin, verify the setting for the autoupdate property in the properties file. If the autoupdate property is set to false, CVE data is not updated, and the plugin does not report any findings.

For details about the Dependency Vulnerabilities plugin, see Dependency Vulnerabilities.

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Deployment Automation plugins

If you have issues with the Deployment Automation plugins, verify the following:

  • The configuration is set up properly. For example, the correct names of Deployment Automation entities are specified.

  • If the property file is not found or is not set up correctly, the wrong Deployment Automation server URL may be specified.

  • The Deployment Automation server version is supported.

  • The Deployment Automation agent or resource is online.

For details about the Deployment Automation plugins, see the following topics:

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Fortify SCA plugin

The Fortify SCA plugin may fail to analyze .NET solutions when Tomcat runs as a Windows service under the Local System account.

To fix this issue, configure the Windows service that runs Tomcat to log in as a named user account that can run Visual Studio. For example, for Dimensions CM, it is the Common Tomcat Windows service.

For details about the Fortify SCA plugin, see Fortify SCA.

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PMD plugin

  • If the compilation unit (*.java file) is not syntactically correct, PMD does not report any findings. Therefore, sources must be compiled successfully.

  • If the compilation unit (*.java file) is very large, for example, 10,000 lines, and there are multiple bugs, PMD may take a long time to complete.

For details about the PMD plugin, see PMD.

SonarQube plugin

If you have problems with SonarQube Scanner, see the SonarQube documentation.

If you receive the Stopped state, verify the following:

  • The SonarQube server and database are up and running.

  • The connection details to the SonarQube server and SonarQube database are configured correctly.

  • The path to the SonarScanner command-line application is correct.

Check the PulseUno log file.

For details about the SonarQube plugin, see SonarQube.

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UFT One plugin

When running GUI tests, the UFT One plugin may return the following error message: Return argument has an invalid type. To solve this issue, run the agent as an administrator.

For details about the UFT One plugin, see UFT One.

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See also: