What's New in UFT One 15.0.2

This topic describes the new features and enhancements available in UFT One 15.0.2.

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What's New video

Watch the What's New video to learn about the new features included in 15.0.2:

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AI-based testing enhancements

UFT One's AI-based testing continues to evolve. Desktop web applications are now fully supported.

UFT One 15.0.2 introduces the following enhancements to the AI-based testing for web and mobile applications.

Enhancement Description
Record AI test steps

You can now perform a business flow on your application and create a sequence of AI steps in your test. Within the recording session, you can also fine-tune the object identification and add checkpoint steps.

See Record an AI-based test.

AI Mockup Identification

Learn AI objects on application mockups and prepare your AI-based tests before your application is developed.

See Inspect application mockups for objects.

AI Transformation Assistant

Run your existing tests with the AI Transformation Assistant enabled, to receive suggestions for transforming technology-based test steps to AI-based testing steps. Replace existing steps with the suggested AI object steps to create a more resilient and platform-agnostic test.

To enable the assistant in Tools > Options > GUI Testing > AI, select Replace run results with AI step suggestions. See Convert technology-based tests to AI-based tests.

UFT One scrolls to find objects

When running a test, if the object is not displayed in the application but the web page or mobile app is scrollable, UFT One automatically scrolls further in search of the object.

You can configure the direction of the scroll and the maximum number of scrolls to perform, or disable scrolling if necessary. For more details, see Automatic scrolling.


AIObject and AITextObject now support checkpoints! You specify the condition the application must meet to pass the checkpoint, and if expectations are not met, the step fails, which is reflected in the run results.

  • CheckExists checks the existence or absence of an object in your application.
  • CheckState checks the state of objects that can be set to Off or On, such as check boxes, toggles, or radio buttons.

See the AI-based testing section of the UFT One Object Model Reference for GUI Testing.

Text recognition enhancements

You can use any of the following options to optimize text recognition when using AI-based testing features:

  • Recognize text in multiple languages.

    Supported languages: English (default), French, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish.

    Configure the languages that UFT One should expect to find in your application (Tools > Options > GUI Testing > AI).

  • Temporarily request exact text matching instead of AI algorithms, which find similar text.

    AI text matching may consider spelling variations and words with similar meaning to be matches. If necessary, you can instruct UFT One to look exactly for the specified text when identifying AI test objects.

    Add an AI run settings step to your test to set the text matching method. The setting is effective until you change it or until the end of the test run. For details, see the AIRunSettings Object in the UFT One Object Model Reference for GUI Testing.

  • Instruct AI to use the UFT One text recognition settings. Depending on your UFT One configuration, this enables you to use Google or Baidu OCR cloud services or other UFT One OCR engines.
Operations on AIText objects

AIText objects support new methods:

  • Use the new GetText method to retrieve text from AIText objects.

    For example, identify an AIText object with unknown text by its proximity to another object. Then retrieve its text using GetText.

    Note: The constant that instructs UFT One to ignore text when identifying a text object by location has been renamed. If any of your existing tests used the micNoText constant, replace this with micAnyText to prevent your test from failing.

  • Use the Type and TypeSecure methods to type in input or edit boxes that you could only identify as AIText objects.

See the AIText Object section of the UFT One Object Model Reference for GUI Testing.

Describe control using an image

To support a control that UFT One AI does not recognize, provide an image file as a class description.

For details, see Describe a control using an image.

Feedback tool If you use the feedback tool on a computer that is not connected to the Internet, you can now save your feedback locally and send it to Micro Focus later.
Integrated installation UFT One's AI features are now installed as an optional feature during the UFT One installation and are enabled by default if installed. See Prerequisites.
Additional control types supported

For a full list of supported controls types, see AI-based testing: Supported control types.

  • New control types and type names are now supported:

    On web and mobile apps: check_mark, minus.

    On web applications only: Linkedin, Instagram, rss_feed.

  • Use general names to include multiple control types:

    left for left arrows and left triangles. Similarly, you can use right, up, and down.

    Toggleable or Togglable for controls like toggle button, check box, and radio button.

    field for controls that accept text, like text boxes, inputs, and combo boxes.

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Object Identification Center - next generation Object Spy

UFT One 15.0.2 introduces the Object Identification Center (OIC) as a technical preview. Enjoy a new object-spying experience with this new spying tool, currently provided alongside the existing Object Spy.

Like the Object Spy, the OIC displays a test object's hierarchy and properties, and enables you to drag objects into your test or add them to object repositories.


In addition, it provides new capabilities: 

  • Spying on multiple objects, as well as adding multiple objects from the OIC to your test or to object repositories.
  • Modifying the test object's description properties within the OIC to customize the object's identification.
  • Adding objects to external object repositories that are not associated to the current test.

See Use the Object Identification Center.

The OIC is now the default spying tool. To view an object's native properties and methods, use the Object Spy: Click the down arrow near the Object Identification Center toolbar button and select the Object Spy .

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API testing enhancements

UFT One 15.0.2 provides the following updates for API testing.

Enhancement Description
Use ParallelRunner to run API tests You can now use the ParallelRunner CLI tool to run multiple UFT One API tests in parallel. If the API tests call GUI tests, these run as well.
Call API tests in GUI test parallel runs

When a GUI test that is run by ParallelRunner calls an API test, the API test now runs correctly. The results of the API test are displayed together with the rest of the parallel run results.

Support WSS protocol API tests now support WebSocket Secure protocol. When you add an Open Socket activity, enter a URL such as: wss://<server>.
Updated log4net.dll

UFT One 15.0.2 uses an updated version of log4net.dll.

If your API tests were created and built in earlier UFT One versions, to continue to use your tests, you must upgrade them by opening them in a new version of UFT One.

If the custom activities were created by earlier Activity Wizard versions, you must recompile those activities with the log4net.dll from the <Unified Functional Testing installation>/bin folder before you can use them in your API tests. For details, see Known issues- Custom API testing activities.

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Performance acceleration

UFT One 15.0.2 provides accelerated performance enabling your tests to run up to 3 times faster. Performance is improved in the following areas:

Area Acceleration details
BPT and Standard Windows

Significantly reduce test execution times compared to previous versions.

Insight Object identification is more accurate, faster, and easier to use.
Web Configurable option to dramatically accelerate test runs. See Web testing enhancements.

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UFT One IDE look and feel

New modern look

Enjoy the fresh new design of the splash screen, Add-in manager, and Keyword View. The Object Repository also has a new set of icon toolbars.

Dark theme extended to additional windows

UFT One 15.0.2 extends the use of the dark theme in UFT One's IDE to additional areas:

  • Add-in manager

  • Start page

  • Keyword View

  • Object Repository editors

  • Run results HTML report.

    You can also switch the Dark theme on or off within the report itself, when you open the report in a web browser.


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Web testing enhancements

UFT One 15.0.2 provides the following updates for web testing:

Enhancement Description
Spy or highlight on zoomed web pages

In the following browsers, objects are now correctly identified even if your web page is zoomed in or out: Chrome, Chromium Edge, Firefox.

Automatic page checkpoints

Automatic page checkpoints are now supported for Firefox or Chrome browsers. See Web > Advanced Pane (Options Dialog Box).

Web testing performance acceleration

Activate web testing acceleration by selecting the option in Tools > Options > GUI Testing > Web. This option is offered as a technical preview.

The acceleration option speeds up test runs for half of the web test object types. For details, see Accelerate web testing on Chrome, Chromium Edge, and Firefox.

Low-level recording mode Low-level recording mode is now supported when recording on Firefox browsers.

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Mobile testing enhancements

UFT One 15.0.2 provides the following updates for mobile testing:

Note: Some of the new mobile testing functionality requires working with Digital Lab (UFT Mobile) 3.5 or later.

Enhancement Description
Spy or highlight on zoomed web pages

In the following browsers, objects are now correctly identified even if your web page is zoomed in or out: Chrome, Chromium Edge, Firefox, IOS UFTM Browser, IOS Safari.

Support Flutter-based applications

When recording and running tests on packaged Android and iOS apps built using the Google Flutter SDK, UFT One now identifies object types and interacts with the objects accordingly.

The following test objects are supported: MobileButton, MobileCheckBox, MobileEdit, MobileLabelMobileObject,MobileTabStrip.

For details on the supported Flutter SDK version, and guidelines for preparing and uploading Flutter apps see the Digital Lab (UFT Mobile) Help Center.

Add Device Time to HTML report In the UFT One run results, steps that ran on mobile devices now include the device time.
Track and report additional device metrics

In the Record & Run settings, you can now select the following device metrics: 

WiFi state, thermal state, and available disk space.

Respectively, the UFT One run results include new metrics: WiFi signal strength, thermal state, and available disk space.

Fleet Type in Record & Run settings Specify Fleet Type in Record & Run settings when selecting an AWS device source.

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CI-CD plugin enhancements

UFT One 15.0.2 provides the following updates when working with CI-CD servers:

Enhancement Description

The new version of the Jenkins plugin provides the following capabilities:

  • You can now define ALM credentials globally in your Jenkins server instead of defining them separately in each job.

    We provide a utility that you can use to migrate existing credential into the global Jenkins settings. However, existing jobs can still using previously defined credentials. For details, see Define ALM credentials on the Jenkins server.

  • The Jenkins plugin options for rerunning failed tests were renamed, and also include a new option for rerunning all failed tests. For details, see Configure failure scenarios for your test runsUFT One and Jenkins
Azure DevOps

The new version of the UFT One Azure DevOps extension includes a task execution handler update, bug fixes, and the following functionality.

When running UFT One tests on an Azure DevOps Server, you can now view the UFT Report with test run result details on the Azure DevOps Server, in the Extensions tab.

  • You can now pass input parameters to UFT One tests when you run them from a Bamboo server.

    Create an .mtbx file that provides the parameter values to use for each test.

  • The suffix of the JUnit report is now based on the Bamboo system variable bamboo.buildTimeStamp. This enables you to refer to it automatically in a script or job and import it to an external system.

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Version control enhancements

UFT One 15.0.2 provides the following enhancements when using version control:

Enhancement Description
Object repositories Merge and resolve object repository conflicts using the Asset Comparison Tool.
Function libraries

Function libraries saved as .qfl or .txt files, are now saved in UTF-8 encoding. This enables you to compare, merge, and manage them in GIT. Function libraries saved as .vbs files, can be managed in GIT only as binary resources.

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TextObject test objects fully supported

Text test objects are now fully supported, providing the following functionality:

  • Add Text test objects to the object repository.

    Use properties to Define a new test object in the object repository, or use the new Add Text Object to Local tool. Select an area in your application that contains text, and UFT One creates the corresponding test object. See Work with Insight or Text test objects.

  • Record steps on Text test objects. See Record a Text object step.
  • Create text and text area checkpoints and output values on Text test objects.
  • Uniquely describe Text test objects using ordinal identifiers such as location, index, and VRI.
  • Use common methods such as Highlight, GetTOProperty, and GetROProperty.

See the Insight & Text > TextObject Object topic in the UFT One Object Model Reference for GUI Testing.

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SAP Web testing on Chrome and Chromium Edge browsers

UFT One 15.0.2 provides the following updates for SAP Web testing:

Chrome browsers

Web-based SAP applications are now fully supported when working in a Chrome browser. Support is now available for the following test object types, in addition to the ones supported in UFT One 15.0.1.

  • SAPCalendar
  • SAPNavigationBar

  • SAPPortal
  • SAPTable
  • SAPTabStrip
  • SAPTreeView

Note: Testing SAPUI5 Desktop applications and SAP Business Networks Web applications continue to be supported on Chrome, as they have in previous versions.

Chromium Edge browsers

SAPUI5 test objects are now supported when working with Chromium Edge.

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Java testing enhancements

UFT One 15.0.2 provides the following updates for Java testing:


Use this new method to more simply retrieve the values contained in a specific area of a Java table.

See the JavaTable topic in the UFT One Object Model Reference for GUI Testing.

JavaFX Scroll bar controls

Scroll bar controls in JavaFX applications are now supported.

They are identified as Slider test objects (is_scrollbar property = 1), similarly to AWT and Swing applications.

JavaFX tab controls The CloseTab method is now supported for JavaFX tab controls.

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General enhancements

UFT One 15.0.2 provides the following new usability enhancements:

Area Enhancement
Docker containers

A new light-weight UFT One Docker image is now available on Docker Hub. The uft-lite image provides the same functionality as the full image, but is much smaller and faster to download. See Run UFT One tests in a Windows Docker container.

DevExpress grid controls

Spy, record, and run tests on the following DevExpress grid controls using UFT One's .NET Windows Forms Add-in:

  • Data Grid
  • Pivot Grid
  • Vertical Grid

These grid controls are all identified as SwfTable test objects. Each type supports a different set of methods. For details, see the SwfTable topic in the UFT One Object Model Reference for GUI Testing.

Password Encoder The Password Encoder Tool is now available via Command Line Interface (CLI). For details, see Password Encoder command line interface (CLI).
UFT One Automation

You can now use the SetActiveAddins method in a UFT One automation script even after calling the Launch method to open UFT One.

The set of add-ins you specify replaces any currently loaded add-ins.

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Help Center Share button

The Help Center toolbar now includes a new Share page button :

  • You can share help topics on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or by email.

  • You can also copy the topic link to the clipboard and paste it in other applications.

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Newly supported technology versions

UFT One now supports the following technology versions:

  • Attachmate Extra! 9.5

  • AutoPass 11.6.1

  • Delphi 10.4 Sydney

  • DevExpress WinForms 20.1

  • Dojo 1.16

  • Eclipse 4.14, 4.15

  • IBM i Access client solutions

  • Java 14, 15.0.1

  • Java OpenJDK 11, 14

  • Microsoft Dynamics 365 v9.1

  • SAP Fiori 1.78

  • SAP GUI 7.60 Patch 7

  • SAP NWBC Client 7.0 patches 12 and 13

  • SAP Web Dynpro ABAP (WDA) 7.54

  • SAP S/4HANA 1909

  • S/4HANA Utilities for Customer Management (S4CRM) 204

  • Windows 10 2004 update

Newly supported browser versions:

  • Chrome 83-86

  • Chromium Edge 84-86

  • Firefox 76, 78 ESR, 78-82

  • Safari 14

For more details, see the Support Matrix.

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Localization updates

UFT One 15.0.2 is provided in the following languages:

English, French, German, Japanese, Russian, Simplified Chinese.

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See also: