Windows-based SAP support

You can use the Windows-based SAP testing support provided with the UFT One SAP Solutions Add-in to test user-interface objects in SAP GUI for Windows user-interface objects.

General Information

Add-in Type

When testing SAP GUI for Windows applications, much of the functionality is the same as other Windows-based add-ins.

Supported Environments

For details on supported Windows-based SAP environments, see the SAP Solutions Add-in section of the UFT One Support Matrix.

Important Information
  • When recording on SAP GUI for Windows applications, the steps are added to the test only when you submit the form or switch to another form. If you manually stop a recording session before submitting or switching away from the form, no steps are recorded.

  • The SAP NWBC Desktop Add-in is installed with the SAP Solutions Add-in. However, in order for full support for NWBC Desktop applications, you must do the following:

    • Install both the SAP Solutions Add-in and the WPF Add-in.

    • When opening UFT One, in the Add-in Manager, select the SAP NWBC Desktop Add-in under the SAP Add-in and the WPF Add-in.

Test Object Methods and Properties

The SAP Solutions Add-in provides test objects, methods, and properties that can be used when testing objects in SAP GUI for Windows applications. For details, see the SAP GUI for Windows section of the UFT One Object Model Reference for GUI Testing.

Known issues

Known Issues - Windows-based SAP


Before Using this Add-in

For details on the following prerequisites, see Enable support for SAP GUI for Windows.

  • The SAP GUI Scripting option must be installed.

  • Your server and client must have the proper package and patch versions installed.

  • The Scripting API must be enabled on both the server and client.

  • Your client must be configured to use the Dialog display mode for F4 Help screens.

  • Make sure that the server is not set to use a Low speed connection.

  • The F1 and F4 Help display setting must be configured correctly to support testing the use of the F1 and F4 Help screens in your SAP GUI for Windows application.

  • If you plan to use the UFT One-Solution Manager integration features, you must also install the appropriate support package and configure the Solution Manager server to work with UFT One. For details, see Configure Solution Manager to work with UFT One.


Before using this add-in with SAP NWBC version 6.5, 7.0, 7.7, or 8.0 apps, do the following:

  1. Run the following app as an administrator: <UFT_One_installdir>\bin\SettingNewBrowserControlApplication.exe

  2. For SAP NWBC 6.5 or 7.0, register the following apps:

    • C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP\<NWBC_installdir>\NWBC.exe
    • C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP\<NWBC_installdir>\NwbcBrowserHost.exe

    For SAP NWBC 7.7 or 8.0, register the following apps:

    • C:\Program Files\SAP\<NWBC_installdir>\NWBC.exe
    • C:\Program Files\SAP\<NWBC_installdir>\NwbcBrowserHost.exe
    • C:\Program Files\SAP\<NWBC_installdir>\LandscapeMigration32Wrapper.exe

Add-in Dependencies



Configuration Options

Use the SAP> General pane.
(Tools > Options > GUI Testing tab > SAP > General node)

Record and Run Settings

Use the SAP tab.
(Record > Record and Run Settings)

For details, see SAP Tab (Record and Run Settings Dialog Box).

Custom Active Screen Capture Settings

Use the SAP GUI for Windows section.
(Tools > Options > GUI Testing tab > Active Screen node > Custom Level button)

Application Area Additional Settings

Use the Applications pane.
In the application area, select Additional Settings > Applications in the sidebar.

See also: