Log Tracking Pane (Run Results Viewer) (UFT One GUI Tests Only)

This pane displays a complete list of log messages that UFT One received from your application during the run session.

In addition to viewing the log messages, when you select a message, you can see its details in the Result Details Pane (Run Results Viewer) pane.

Tip: To provide the results to someone else for analysis, do one of the following:

To access

Select View > Log Tracking.

Important information
  • Japanese characters - known Log4Net issue. If a log message contains Japanese characters, these characters are displayed as question marks (?) in the Message column of the Run Results Viewer's Log Tracking pane. This is due to a known bug in log4net.Layout.XmlLayoutSchemaLog4j - version 1.2.10. For details, see https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LOG4NET-229.
  • Showing and hiding columns. You can show or hide columns in the Log Tracking pane by right-clicking any column header and selecting or clearing a menu option.
  • Reordering columns. You can reorder the columns in the pane by dragging and dropping a column header to a different location.
See also

The Log Tracking section in the UFT One User Guide

User interface elements are described below:

UI Elements



Opens the Find Dialog Box (Log Tracking Pane - Run Results Viewer) (UFT One GUI Testing Only) dialog box, enabling you to search the log messages by message, level, and character case.


The message number.


The date and time (in milliseconds).


The severity level for the log message. Possible level values:

  • INFO
  • WARN

The name of the logger.


The thread that initiated the log request.


The text of the log message.