Run results XML file

The results of each run session are saved in a single .xml file (called results.xml). This .xml file stores information on each of the run result nodes in the display. The information in these nodes is used to dynamically create .htm files that are shown in the Result Details pane in the Run Results Viewer.

Each node in the run results tree is an element in the results.xml file. In addition, there are different elements that represent different types of information displayed in the run results. You can take run result information from the .xml file and use XSL to display the information you require in a customized format (either when printing from within the Run Results Viewer, when displaying run results in your own customized results viewer, or when exporting the run results to an .html file).

The diagram below for a GUI test, shows the correlation between some of the elements in the .xml file and the items they represent in the run results. These elements are similar for both tests and business components.

XSL provides you with the tools to describe exactly which run result information to display and exactly where and how to display, print or export it. You can also modify the .css file referenced by the .xsl file, to change the appearance of the report (for example, fonts or colors).

For example, in the results.xml file, one element tag contains the name of an action or a component, and another element tag contains information on the time at which the run session is performed. Using XSL, you could tell your customized Run Results Viewer that the action or component name should be displayed in a specific place on the page and in a bold green font, and that the time information should not be displayed at all.

You may find it easier to modify the existing .xsl and .css files provided with the Run Results Viewer application, instead of creating your own customized files from scratch. The files are located in the OpenText\Run Results Viewer\dat folder, and are named as follows:

  • PShort.xsl. Specifies the content of the run results report printed, or exported to an HTML file, when you select the Short option in the Print or Export to HTML File dialog boxes.

  • PDetails.xsl. Specifies the content of the run results report printed, or exported to an HTML file, when you select the Detailed option in the Print or Export to HTML File dialog boxes.

  • PStringTable.xsl. Specifies the string constants to be used in the exported document. For example, Iteration # may be used for the iteration number prefix. If you select the User-defined XSL option in the Print or Export to HTML File dialog boxes, the .xsl file you specify must contain an "include" call to this file. You can localize the strings, if needed.

  • PResults.css. Specifies the appearance of the run results print preview. This file is referenced by the above .xsl files.

  • Results.css. Specifies the styles, fonts, and colors of the various elements displayed in the run results.

For more details on printing run results using a customized .xsl file, see Print Dialog Box (Run Results Viewer).

For more details on exporting the run results to a file using a customized .xsl file, see Export Run Results Dialog Box (Run Results Viewer).

For details on the structure of the XML schema, and a description of the elements and attributes you can use to customize the run results reports, see the Run Results Schema Reference.