Manage function library associations

Relevant for: GUI tests and components

This task describes the different ways that you can associate a function library with a test or application area or modify existing associations.

View the list of associated function libraries

Do one of the following:

  • In the Solution Explorer pane, expand the Function Libraries node within the relevant test or component's node.

  • Select the test or component whose associated function libraries you want to view, and then select File > Settings > Resources. The Resources pane of the Test/Business Component dialog box opens.

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Associate the currently active function library

  1. Make sure that the test with which you want to associate the function library is included in your open solution.

  2. Create or open a function library in UFT One.

  3. Save the function library in the file system (for tests only) or in your ALM project.

  4. In UFT One, do one of the following:

    • right-click the function library document tab and select Associate Library '<Function Library>' with '<Test>'.

    • right-click the test name node in the Solution Explorer and select Associate Function Library.

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Associate a function library using the Test Settings dialog box

  1. Create or open a test.

  2. In the Test Settings dialog box (File > Settings), click the Resources node.

  3. In the Associated function libraries list, click the Add button , UFT One displays a browse button enabling you to browse to a function library in the file system. If you are connected to an ALM project, UFT One also adds [ALM] to the file path, indicating that you can browse to a function library either in your ALM project or in the file system.

    Tip: If you want to add a file from your ALM project but are not connected to ALM, press and hold the Shift key and click the Add button . UFT One adds [ALM], and you can enter the path manually. If you do, make sure there is a space after [ALM]. For example: [ALM] Subject\Tests

    Note that UFT One searches ALM project folders only when you are connected to the corresponding ALM project.

  4. Select the function library you want to associate with your test and click Open.

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Associate a function library with the Solution Explorer pane

In the Solution Explorer pane, do one of the following:

  • Right click a GUI<test name> node and select Associate Function Library.

  • Right-click the Function Libraries node within the relevant test's node in the tree and select Associate Function Library.

The Open/New/Save/Add Existing <Document>/<Resource> Dialog Box opens.

The function library that you select is associated with the test and displayed as a node under the Function Libraries node in the tree.

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Associate a function library with an application area

  1. In UFT One, open your application area and click the Function Libraries button on the sidebar.

  2. In the Associated function libraries list, click the Add button . UFT One displays a browse button enabling you to browse to a function library in your ALM project.

  3. Select the function library you want to associate with your application area and click Open.

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Modify the priority of an associated function library

  • In the Solution Explorer, expand the Function Libraries node for your test or application area, right-click the function library you want to prioritize and select Move up or Move down. For details, see Solution Explorer Pane.

  • In the list of associated function libraries in the Resources pane of the Test Settings dialog box (for tests) or the Function Libraries pane (for application areas), select the function library you want to prioritize and use the Up and Down arrows .

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Remove a function library association

Do one of the following:

  • In the Solution Explorer, expand the Function Libraries node for your test or application area, right-click the function library and select Remove Function Library from List, or select the function library and press the Delete key.

  • In the list of associated function libraries in the Resources pane of the Test Settings dialog box (for tests) or the Function Libraries pane (for application areas), select the function library you want to remove and click the Remove button .

  • Open an associated function library in UFT One. Right-click the function library document tab and select Dissociate Library '<Function Library>' from '<Test/Application Area>'.

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Specify default function libraries for all new tests

In the Resources Pane (Test/Business Component Settings Dialog Box) , create the list of associated function libraries that you want to use for every newly created test, and click the Set as Default button. (This does not affect existing tests.)

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Load a function library dynamically during a run session

Add a the LoadFunctionLibrary statement to your action, scripted component, or associated function library.

Tip: To include the same LoadFunctionLibrary statement in every action you create, you can add the statement to an action template.

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