SblPickList description properties
The SblPickList test object supports the description properties listed in the below.
Property Name | Description |
abs_x | The object's absolute x-coordinate (left) relative to the screen (in pixels). 0,0 is always the top-left corner of the (primary) monitor. If you are working with multiple monitors, the coordinate in the secondary monitor is relative to the primary monitor. For example, given a resolution of 1280 x 1024 in the primary monitor, if the secondary monitor is positioned to the right of the primary monitor, the x-coordinate is 1280 or greater. If the secondary monitor is placed to the left of the primary monitor, the x-coordinate is negative. |
abs_y | The object's absolute y-coordinate (top) relative to the screen (in pixels). 0,0 is always the top-left corner of the (primary) monitor. If you are working with multiple monitors, the coordinate in the secondary monitor is relative to the primary monitor. For example, given a resolution of 1280 x 1024 in the primary monitor, if the secondary monitor is positioned to the right of the primary monitor, the x-coordinate is 1280 or greater. If the secondary monitor is placed to the left of the primary monitor, the x-coordinate is negative. If you are working with multiple monitors, the coordinate in the secondary monitor is relative to the primary monitor. For example, given a resolution of 1280x1024 in the primary monitor, if the secondary monitor is positioned below the primary monitor, the y-coordinate is 1024 or greater. If the secondary monitor is placed above the primary monitor, the y-coordinate is negative. |
all items | The list of all items contained in the pick list (separated by ;). Note: This property is relevant for the standard-interactivity mode only. |
class | The value of the class HTML attribute. For example, < |
css | The path to the object in CSS format. For example: tr.BPTRow input Note: This property can only be used in the object repository description and in programmatic descriptions. It cannot be used in checkpoints or output values, or as argument values for the GetTOProperty and GetROProperty methods. |
default value | The initial value of the pick list, set when the pick list is reset. Note: This property is relevant for the standard-interactivity mode only. |
disabled | Indicates whether the pick list is disabled. Possible values: |
height | The pick list's height (in pixels). |
html id | The pick list's HTML identifier (the value of the id attribute that defines the pick list in the HTML). |
html tag | The pick list's HTML tag. |
index | The ordinal identifier that UFT One assigns to the pick list to indicate the order in which the pick list appears in the code relative to other pick lists with an otherwise identical description. This property cannot be used with GetROProperty. Values begin with 0. |
innerhtml | The HTML code contained between the pick list's start and end tags. |
innertext | The text contained between the pick list's start and end tags. |
items count | The number of items contained in the pick list. Note: This property is relevant for the standard-interactivity mode only. |
name | The name that UFT One assigns to the pick list. |
outerhtml | The pick list's HTML code and its content. |
outertext | The pick list's text. |
RepositoryName | The name of the object as it is stored in the object repository. Note: This property is relevant only when working in the Siebel Test Automation environment. |
select type | The pick list's selection type. Possible values: Note: This property is relevant for the standard-interactivity mode only. |
selected item index | The index of the selected item(s) in the list (separated by ;). For example, Note: This property is relevant for the standard-interactivity mode only. |
selected items count | The number of items that are selected in the list. |
selection | The list of items that are selected in the pick list (separated by ;). |
siebel attached text | The text attached to the pick list. |
SiebelObjType | The type of object that the HTML element represents. Note: This property is relevant only when working in standard-interactivity mode in the Siebel Test Automation environment. For a complete list of the object types for standard-interactivity applications, refer to the relevant Siebel user documentation. |
type | The pick list's type: Text. |
UIName | The name of the object as it appears in the user interface. |
value | The pick list's value. |
visible | Indicates whether the pick list is visible. |
visual relations | Represents the test object's visual relations identifier. Use this property in GetTOProperty and SetTOProperty steps to return or apply a VisualRelationsCollection object for a test object. The VisualRelationsCollection object enables you to retrieve or replace the visual relation identifier settings of a test object during a run session. Syntax: SetVRIColl = TestObject.GetTOProperty("visual relations") TestObject.SetTOProperty "visual relations", VRIColl For details, see VisualRelationsCollection Object in the Utility section of the UFT One Object Model Reference for GUI Testing. This property is not listed in the Object Spy. It is not retrieved when you use the GetTOProperties method. It cannot be used in the Object Identification dialog box, the description area of the object repository, checkpoint or output value steps, and so on. |
width | The pick list's width (in pixels). |
xpath | The path to the object in XPath format. For example: //TR[@id='QTP']/*/INPUT Note: This property can only be used in the object repository description and in programmatic descriptions. It cannot be used in checkpoints or output values, or as argument values for the GetTOProperty and GetROProperty methods. |
x | The pick list's x-coordinate (left) relative to the parent frame (in pixels). |
y | The pick list's y-coordinate (top) relative to the parent frame (in pixels). |
See also:
- SblAdvancedEdit
- SblButton
- SblCheckBox
- SblEdit
- SblPickList
- SblTable
- SblTabStrip
- SblTreeView
- SiebApplet
- SiebApplication
- SiebButton
- SiebCalculator
- SiebCalendar
- SiebCheckbox
- SiebCommunicationsToolbar
- SiebCurrency
- SiebInkData
- SiebList
- SiebMenu
- SiebPageTabs
- SiebPDQ
- SiebPicklist
- SiebRichText
- SiebScreen
- SiebScreenViews
- SiebTask
- SiebTaskAssistant
- SiebTaskLink
- SiebTaskStep
- SiebTaskUIPane
- SiebText
- SiebTextArea
- SiebThreadbar
- SiebToolbar
- SiebTree
- SiebView
- SiebViewApplets