Launch Method


Opens the OpenText Functional Testing application as the logged-in Windows user.


Visual Basic
Public Sub Launch( _
   ByVal OpenTemporaryTest As Boolean = False _



Indicates whether to create a temporary test when you open the application. Default=False.


Before launching the application for the first time in a script, you must create an application object using one of the following syntax options:

Dim app as QuickTest.Application
Set app = new QuickTest.Application


Set app = CreateObject("QuickTest.Application")

For more information, see Application object.

Most automation statements can be performed only after the Launch method has been performed. Before launching the application, you can:

  • Check whether the application is already open (Application.Launched)
  • Check the application's current status--another method for finding out whether the application is already open (Application.GetStatus)
  • Return an Addins collection object, in which you can specify the add-ins you want to load (Application.Addins)
  • Retrieve associated add-ins (Application.GetAssociatedAddinsForTest)
  • Set the add-ins you want to load when the application starts (Application.SetActiveAddins)
  • Specify whether to open the application in visible or minimized mode (Application.Visible)
  • Specify which view (Keyword View or Editor) to display when the application opens, if opening the application in Visible mode (Application.ActivateView)
  • Start the application and open a new, blank test or component (Application.New or Application.NewBusinessComponent)
  • Start the application and open a specified, existing test or component (Application.Open or Application.OpenBusinessComponent)


See Also

Application Object | GetAssociatedAddinsForTest method  | Launched method  | SetActiveAddins method  | Visible property