Options Object


Represents the GUI Testing tab of the Options dialog box and other tools that enable you to configure options that apply to all GUI tests and business components.


You can click the Generate Script button in the GUI Testing tab > General pane of the Options dialog box to automatically generate an automation script containing the current global testing options. 

The options in the GUI Testing tab are divided between the various panes in the tab. This object also includes a property that returns the Object Identification dialog box.


Public Methods

Public Method RestoreLayoutRestores the window's size and layout.
Public Method RestoreToFactoryDefaultSettingsRestore GUITest settings to factory defaults

Public Properties

Public Property AbbyyOcrLanguages

The languages to use for text recognition when using the Abbyy OCR engine.

Versions 14.50 and earlier: This property is named AbbyOcrLanguages instead.

Versions 2021 R1 or later: To use this property, the ABBYY OCR engine has to be included in the installation.

Public Property ActiveScreenReturns the ActiveScreenOptions object, which enables you to set your Active Screen preferences.
Public Property AIReturns the AIOptions object, which enables you to activate the AI-testing capabilities.
Public Property AutoGenerateWithIndicates whether 'With' statements are automatically generated after recording.
Public Property AutoParameterizeStepsIndicates whether test steps are automatically parameterized when you finish a recording session.
Public Property AutoParameterTypeThe type of parameter to be used for all automatically parameterized steps.
Public PropertyBaiduOcrKey

The access token to use when connecting to the Baidu OCR engine.

Public Property BaiduOcrLanguages

The languages to use for text recognition when using the Baidu OCR engine.

Public Property BaiduOcrProxyAddress

The address of the proxy server to use when connecting to the Baidu OCR engine.

Public Property BaiduOcrProxyPort

The proxy port to use when connecting to the Baidu OCR engine.

Public Property BaiduOcrProxyPassword

The proxy password to use when connecting to the Baidu OCR engine.

Public Property BaiduOcrProxyType

The proxy type to use when connecting to the Baidu OCR engine.

Public Property BaiduOcrUseAuthentication

Indicates whether to use proxy authentication when connecting to the Baidu OCR engine.

Public Property BaiduOcrUseProxy

Indicates whether to use proxy when connecting to the Baidu OCR engine.

Public Property BaiduOcrProxyUserName

The proxy username to use when connecting to the Baidu OCR engine.

Public Property DisableVORecognitionIndicates whether recognition of virtual objects is disabled.
Public Property DisplayKeywordViewIndicates whether the Keyword View is displayed when a test or scripted component opens.

Public Property DLConnection

(Versions 23.4 and later)

Returns the DLConnection object, which enables you to configure a connection to a Functional Testing Lab.
Public Property GoogleOcrKey

The access token to use when connecting to the Google OCR engine.

Public Property GoogleOcrProxyAddress

The address of the proxy server to use when connecting to the Google OCR engine.

Public Property GoogleOcrProxyPort

The proxy port to use when connecting to the Google OCR engine.

Public Property GoogleOcrProxyPassword

The proxy password to use when connecting to the Google OCR engine.

Public Property GoogleOcrProxyType

The proxy type to use when connecting to the Google OCR engine.

Public Property GoogleOcrUseAuthentication

Indicates whether to use proxy authentication when connecting to the Google OCR engine.

Public Property GoogleOcrUseProxy

Indicates whether to use proxy when connecting to the Google OCR engine.

Public Property GoogleOcrProxyUserName

The proxy username to use when connecting to the Google OCR engine.

Public Property JavaReturns the JavaOptions object, which enables you to set Java-specific options for all tests.
Public Property MCConnection

Returns the MCConnection object, which enables you to configure a connection to a device lab.

Note: Starting from UFT One version 23.4, this property is supported only for backward compatibility.

Public Property ObjectIdentificationReturns the ObjectIdentification object, which enables you to manage test object class descriptions.

Public Property PatternFileLocation

(Versions 24.4 and later)

The path to an existing trained pattern (.ptn) file for ABBYY to use to identify unusual characters.


Public Property PatternFileLocation As String
Public Property RunReturns the RunOptions object, which enables you to set run options for all tests and business components.
Public Property SAPReturns the SAPOptions object, which enables you to configure how SAP applications are tested.
Public Property SaveLoadAndMonitorDataIndicates whether to save integration data with tests and business components.
Public Property TEReturns the TEOptions object, which enables you to configure how to record and run steps on terminal emulator applications.
Public Property TesseractOcrConfigFileThe path to the Tesseract config file.
Public Property TesseractOcrConfigModeEnables you to specify whether to use the default Tesseract configuration or to load the configuration from a config file.
Public Property TesseractOcrLanguageDataThe language pack to use for text recognition when using the Tesseract OCR engine.
Public Property TesseractOcrTesseractOnlyModeEnables you to specify the mode for text recognition.
Public Property TesseractOcrWhitelistThe symbols to use for text recognition when using the Tesseract OCR engine.
Public Property TesseractTessdataThe path to get the test data.
Public Property TextRecognitionBlockTypeIndicates whether the text block recognition mode is set to single text block or multiple text block.
Public Property TextRecognitionImagePreprocessingIndicates whether image preprocessing is enabled when performing text recognition.
Public Property TextRecognitionOcrMechanismThe OCR mechanism to use.
Public Property TimeToActivateWinAfterPointThe number of tenths of a second after which to activate a window when pointing to it.
Public Property WebReturns the WebOptions object, which enables you to configure how to record and run steps on Web applications.
Public Property WebServicesReturns the WSOptions object, which enables you to configure how Web services applications are tested.
Public Property WindowsAppsReturns the WindowsAppsOptions object, which enables you to configure how to record and run steps on Windows-based applications.
Public Property WithGenerationLevelThe minimum number of identical, consecutive objects for which a 'With' statement is generated.