NETExtConfig Schema


The path and name of the DLL Custom Server in which extended support for the custom control is implemented.

Complex Types

Complex TypeDescription
ControlElementThis complex type defines the attributes for the Control element you define for Custom Servers that do not implement support for custom table controls.
TableElementThis complex type defines the attributes for the Control element you define for Custom Servers that implement support for custom table controls.


ComponentInformation UFT needs to locate and run the Custom Server.
ContextThe run-time context and coding option for the Custom Server.
ControlThe information required to support a custom control.
ControlsThe root element.
CustomRecordThe information required to support Test Record.
CustomReplayThe information required to support Test Run.
CustomVerifyThe information required to support table checkpoints and output values.
DllNameThe path and name of the DLL Custom Server in which support for the custom control is implemented.
ParameterA value to be passed to the Custom Server at run-time that is needed to implement the custom control.
SettingsA collection of Parameter elements.
TypeNameThe type name of the Custom Server class (.NET code class) in the DLL, including wrapping namespaces.