Developing Support for Retrieving Identification Property Run-Time Values
When UFT One runs a GUI test, it is usually not enough to run the steps and verify that they do not fail. It is also necessary to check the values of different test object identification properties at various stages of the test to ensure that the application is functioning as expected.
Therefore, UFT One must be able to retrieve the run-time values of various identification properties. UFT One uses identification property run-time values in different standard test object methods, such as GetROProperty. Identification property run-time values are also required for different basic capabilities, such as creating checkpoints and outputting values.
You must implement the GetElementType and GetProperties methods to enable UFT One to retrieve run-time values of identification properties from the application.
To support creating checkpoints during a record session, you must also implement the ISpyable interface. For more information, see Supporting the Creation of Checkpoints During a Record Session.
If your environment contains tables, you can implement GetTabularData and GetTabularAttributes to enable UFT One to retrieve table-related data. In addition to implementing these methods, you must specify which test object classes UFT One should treat as tables. To do this, set the SupportsTabularData attribute of the relevant test object class to true
in the testing environment XML.
If the objects in your environment are COM objects, you can enable UFT One to access the native operations and properties of the COM run-time object in addition to retrieving the run-time values of the identification properties that are defined in the testing environment XML. For more information, see Developing Support for Accessing Native (Run-Time Object) Properties and Methods.
For more information, see: