IUtilityObject Interface

UFT One 2022 and later: Following the discontinuance of the Silverlight development framework, UFT One no longer supports the Silverlight Add-in by default.

If you need to use and extend the Silverlight Add-in, contact OpenText Support.

Services provided by UFT that can be used by the classes derived from CustomServerBase.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Interface IUtilityObject 
public interface IUtilityObject 


To access these services, use the UtilityObject property of the CustomServerBase class, which your custom server extends. This property returns an object of the class that implements the IUtilityObject interface. 

Public Properties

PropertyApplicationObjectReturns a reference to the custom control.  

Public Methods

MethodAddHandlerAdds an event handler.  
MethodDragAndDropSimulates Mouse Drag and Drop operation.  
MethodGetSettingsValueReturns the Parameter value from the control's Settings element in the toolkit configuration file.  
MethodGetSettingsXMLReturns the control's Settings element from the toolkit configuration file.  
MethodKeyDownSimulates a Key Down operation.  
MethodKeyUpSimulates a Key Up operation.  
MethodMouseClickSimulates Mouse Click operation.  
MethodMouseDblClickSimulates Mouse Double-Click operation.  
MethodMouseDownSimulates Mouse Down operation.  
MethodMouseMoveSimulates Mouse Move operation.  
MethodMouseUpSimulates Mouse Up operation.  
MethodPressKeySimulates pressing a key.  
MethodPressNKeysSimulates pressing a key the specified number of times.  
MethodRecordAdds a step to the test.  
MethodReportStepResultWrites an event to the test report.  
MethodSendStringSends a string to the control.  

See Also